Title: | Beyond Combat: World War I Through the Lens of Doc Cook | Date: | 11/9/2024 - 1/12/2025 | Address: | Durham Museum, 801 S 10th Street, Omaha, NE 68108, | Location: | Omaha, NE | Hours: | Tuesday-Saturday: 10AM – 4PM, Sunday: Noon – 4PM | Cost/Cover: | free - $15 | Web Page: | https://durhammuseum.org/upcoming-exhibits/ | Contact Info: | (402) 444-5071 |
Details: | R.H. “Doc” Cook, a photographer who enlisted during World War I, served with the 88th Division, 313th Engineers and captured the company’s experiences with his camera. A century later, local resident Mollie Anderson purchased a case that had belonged to Cook. The case contained his original photographic negatives. After researching Cook’s life and displaying some of the images at Gallery 92 West in 2022, she donated the entire set to The Durham Museum. Beyond Combat: World War I Through the Lens of Doc Cook is a temporary exhibition developed by The Durham Museum. Through photos curated from Cook’s collection, it tells the story of the 313th Engineers from their training at Camp Dodge until the completion of their deployment in May 1919.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |
| Wah yien 320 N 22ND ST APT 411 ,OMAHA, NE |
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