Title: | Silent Night of the Lambs | Date: | 11/29/2024 - 12/22/2024 | Address: | Bluebarn Theatre, 1106 S 10th St, Omaha, NE 68108 | Location: | Omaha, NE | Hours: | Thursdays - Saturdays: 7:30pm, Dec 1, 15 & 22: 2:00pm, Dec 8: 6:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $0 – $45 | Web Page: | https://bluebarn.org/plays-events/ | Contact Info: | 402-345-1576 |
Details: | A twisted comedic take on two classic but vastly different tales. Silent Night of the Lambs mixes one part Oscar-winning thriller (The Silence of the Lambs) with one part beloved holiday TV special (Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) to serve up an unforgettably twisted recipe for mayhem and mistletoe. Will those damn lambs ever stop screaming?!
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | contributed |