Title: | Onancock Second Friday Art Stroll & Music | Date: | 9/13/2024 - 12/13/2024 | Address: | Town of Onancock15 North Street | Location: | Onancock, VA | Hours: | 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM | Cost/Cover: | Free | Web Page: | https://www.onancock.org/ | Contact Info: | info@onancock.org |
Details: | Onancock, Virginia’s monthly event of music, art, shopping and dining.Sponsored by Onancock Business & Civic Association Live music on North Street sponsored by The Blarney Stone Pub.Follow "OBCAofficialpage" on Facebook for monthly details and updates! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |