Title: | Celebration of Lights | Date: | 11/29/2024 - 12/31/2024 | Address: | EAA Grounds1858 Neunteufel Ave | Location: | Oshkosh, WI | Hours: | Daily 5:30pm-9pm. | Cost/Cover: | Free | Web Page: | https://oshkoshcol.org/ | Contact Info: | 920-303-9200 |
Details: | The Holiday Season brings enough power to light up Oshkosh and the faces of loved ones with smiles each year. There will be activities like the 100-foot tree, over 120 trees filled with lights, sculptured scenes, animated light displays, visits with Santa, special events nights, wagon rides, and more. Come and enjoy the Celebration of Lights with family and friends, and be amazed by 3/4 million twinkling lights! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |