Title: | Friendly Folktales: Stories of Kindness and Community | Date: | 9/5/2024 (Thursday) | Address: | Church of the Pilgrimage, 8 Town Square, Plymouth, MA | Location: | Plymouth, MA | Hours: | 10:30AM to 11:30AM | Cost/Cover: | FREE | Web Page: | https://www.churchofthepilgrimage.org/ | Contact Info: | Kathy Marks
508-746-3026 |
Details: | Join award-winning storyteller Andrea Lovett and Karen Chace for Friendly Folktales: Stories of Kindness and Community. This is a fun, interactive program filled with stories and songs.
Stories will be told, not read and children can make a take home craft at the end. Adults must accompany children. The program is geared towards preschoolers, but older siblings are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there! |
Audience: | 5 and Under | Category: | Story Telling | Sponsored By: | Northeast Storytelling and Church of the Pilgrimage | Submitted by: | Karen Chace |