Title: | Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular | Date: | 9/27/2024 - 11/2/2024 | Address: | Roger Williams Park Zoo 1000 Elmwood Avenue | Location: | Providence, RI | Hours: | 6:00-11 p.m. (gates will close at 10:30 p.m.) | Cost/Cover: | Value Nights (Monday – Thursday) Adults 19 Children (2-12) 16 Toddlers >1 FREE Prime Nights (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) Adults 22 Children (2-12) 19 Toddlers >1 FREE | Web Page: | https://www.rwpzoo.org/jols/ | Contact Info: | 401-785-3510 |
Details: | New England’s favorite Halloween tradition unveils a brand-new twist this year at Roger Williams Park Zoo’s Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular – Trivia Edition. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of tricky trivia as you embark on a journey through brain-teasing questions while strolling past 1000s of creatively carved pumpkins. From pop culture to sports to history, test your knowledge and enjoy the magic of fall atRoger Williams Park Zoo. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |