Title: | Liminal Space: Work by Jinchul Kim | Date: | 9/27/2024 - 10/27/2024 | Address: | Rehoboth Art League, 12 Dodds Lane, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 | Location: | Rehoboth Beach, DE | Hours: | Monday – Saturday: 10am – 4pm, Sunday: Noon – 4pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://www.rehobothartleague.org/exhibitions/upcoming/limin ... | Contact Info: | 302-227-8408 |
Details: | I am interested in blurring the boundaries between things that we have concluded in predated aesthetics. I am very interested in constructing newer languages that can embrace/unite these preconceived definitions with innovative constructs. For this mission, I attentively engage my picture-making process through inventive personal semiotics. These semiotic connotations are melted into my work alongside the strong presence of formal strategies. I use the formal approach as a binder to build a robust architecture for the painting, whether the work is involved in abstract or representational environments. I hope to generate a dynamic for the viewer to participate in a game of reveal/conceal through newer compositions and contrasting the firm architecture of painting with the artifice of superficial beauty. Consequently, I often mingle around two-dimensional formats to kinetic structures and space to convey this creative freedom to merge these various presumptions around our lives. I often use figurative elements as vehicles to intensify the presence of common ground because we are all human at the end of the day.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |