Title: | Festival of Lights | Date: | 11/23/2024 - 1/6/2025 | Address: | 3649 Mission Inn Avenue | Location: | Riverside, CA | Hours: | 6pm | Cost/Cover: | Please call 951.784.0300 or email reservations@missioninn.com for ticket info/cost. | Web Page: | https://www.missioninn.com/about/festival-of-lights | Contact Info: | 951.784.0300 |
Details: | Kelly & Duane Roberts, owners and Keepers of the Inn, continue the cherished annual tradition that they first created in 1992 as a gift back to the community. The Mission Inn Hotel & Spa's Festival of Lights is one of the nation's largest holiday light collections, voted "Best Public Lights Display" by USA Today. Every year, the Inn's festival gains new energy, grows in popularity, and ushers in an increasing number of visitors to the Riverside area. This year's Festival of Lights takes place from November 23, 2024 - January 6, 2025.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Seasonal Fun | Submitted by: | contributed |