Title: | A Christmas Carol | Date: | 11/22/2024 - 12/22/2024 | Address: | Meadow Brook Theatre, 378 Meadow Brook Road, Wilson Hall, Room 207, Rochester, MI 48309 | Location: | Rochester, MI | Hours: | Fridays: 8:00pm; Saturdays & Sundays: 2:00pm & 6:30pm; Dec 4: 2:00pm; Dec 5, 11-12, 18-19: 7:00pm | Cost/Cover: | $37 | Web Page: | https://www.mbtheatre.com/a-christmas-carol-24-25 | Contact Info: | 248.377.3300
Details: | Everyone’s favorite holiday classic captivates audiences for the 42nd year with the tale of a mean-spirited miser and the ghosts that haunt him.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | contributed |