Title: | The Civility of Albert Cashier | Date: | 8/31/2024 - 9/22/2024 | Address: | The Colony Theatre, 555 N Third St. Burbank, CA 91502 | Location: | Sacramento, CA | Hours: | Thursdays - Saturdays: 8:00pm, Sundays: 3:00pm (no show on Sept 13) | Cost/Cover: | $45 - $75 | Web Page: | https://www.colonytheatre.org/thecivilityofalbertcashier | Contact Info: | (818) 558-7000 |
Details: | The astonishing true-story of a Civil War soldier whose life defied definition. Transformed into a powerful new musical, more timely than ever. In August of 1862, Private Albert Cashier enlisted in the Union Army and fought valiantly during the Civil War, until being honorably discharged on August 17, 1865, at which point he received a military pension in recognition of his service. But there was more to Albert than most people knew ... he had a secret .... this heroic American soldier was actually born female.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | contributed |