Title: | Coring the Continents | Date: | 9/21/2024 - 1/12/2025 | Address: | Bell Museum, 2088 Larpenteur Ave W, St Paul, MN 55113, | Location: | Saint Paul, MN | Hours: | 10:00am - 4:00pm | Cost/Cover: | free - $15 | Web Page: | https://www.bellmuseum.umn.edu/exhibits/ | Contact Info: | 612-626-9660 |
Details: | Earth’s continents hold clues to our past, present, and future. Coring the Continents lets visitors unravel Earth’s stories by investigating research supported by the Continental Scientific Drilling Facility at the University of Minnesota.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |
| | | | | Taye Reta 1045 Hudson Rd # 210 ,Saint Paul, MN |
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