Title: | The Subversive Eye: Surrealist and Experimental Photography from the David Raymond Collection | Date: | 11/16/2024 - 5/4/2025 | Address: | The Dalí Museum, One Dali Blvd., St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | Location: | Saint Petersburg, FL | Hours: | 10am - 6pm daily, Thursdays: 10am - 8pm | Cost/Cover: | free - $32 | Web Page: | https://thedali.org/exhibit/the-subversive-eye/ | Contact Info: | 727.823.3767 |
Details: | In 1935, Salvador Dalí called his paintings “color photography done by hand,” signaling the immense importance of photography as a Surrealist medium. Debuting in relation to the movement’s literary production, photography came to define a range of avant-garde practices around the world. In the hands of Surrealists and the experimental photographers they inspired, the camera became a mechanism for discovering visual poetry, and seeing the world in a new way. With a dizzying array of tactics, including multiple exposure, unusual perspectives, cropping, and solarization, Surrealists rapidly made the medium their own and their procedures radiated throughout Western and Eastern Europe, the Americas and Japan. In celebration of the centennial of the founding of Surrealism in 1924, this exhibition will feature 100+ works created by more than 50 artists, highlighting the movement’s original aims in the medium of photography and its far-reaching influence. By exploring the capacities of the medium, it will highlight how artists have ultimately used photographic techniques to question the nature of seeing itself, delving deeply into the inner realm.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |
V Sardo 1515 independence ave ,Saint petersburg, FL |
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