Title: | Shuckin Good Oyster Fest | Date: | 11/30/2024 (Saturday) | Address: | Evolution Craft Brewing Co., 201 E. Vine Street, | Location: | Salisbury, MD | Hours: | 12pm | Cost/Cover: | $52 | Contact Info: | 443-260-2337
Details: | Join us for a Shuckin' Good time on Saturday, November 30th for our annual OYSTER FEST for 2024!! LIVE MUSIC is provided by The High & Wides! Unlimited evo craft beer tastings are included along with fresh local oysters on the half shell, single fried oysters, a variety of baked oysters along with a CHILI STATION, our smoked pork & more! Tickets are sold online and available for anyone 21 and older. This is a rain or shine event! |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Festival | Submitted by: | contributed |