Title: | Cassils: Movements | Date: | 11/15/2024 - 2/3/2025 | Address: | SITE Santa Fe, 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501 | Location: | Santa Fe, NM | Hours: | Monday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm; Friday: 10am - 7pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://www.sitesantafe.org/en/exhibitions/cassils-movements ... | Contact Info: | 505-989-1199 |
Details: | Movements is a solo exhibition by Cassils, a transgender artist who makes their body the material and protagonist of their performances. Cassils' art contemplates the history(s) of LGBTQI+ violence, representation, struggle, survival, and empowerment. For Cassils, performance is a form of social sculpture: drawing from the idea that bodies are formed in relation to forces of power and social expectations, Cassils' work investigates historical contexts to examine the present moment.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |