Title: | Tristan Duke: Glacial Optics | Date: | 9/28/2024 - 3/18/2025 | Address: | SITE Santa Fe, 1606 Paseo De Peralta, Santa Fe, NM 87501 | Location: | Santa Fe, NM | Hours: | Monday, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday: 10am - 5pm; Friday: 10am - 7pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://www.sitesantafe.org/en/exhibitions/tristan-duke-glac ... | Contact Info: | 505-989-1199 |
Details: | SITE SANTA FE presents Glacial Optics, a solo exhibition by Tristan Duke. In 2022 the artist sailed to the Arctic to capture portraits of the glaciers, using a camera lens made from their very own ice. Subsequently, Duke has continued to explore the “gaze of the glacier” in an ongoing series of expeditionary, performative, photographic, and research-based work. This exhibition shares works from Duke's Glacial Optics series, positing the glacier as a literal and metaphorical lens through which to understand our current precarious times.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |