Title: | CINDERELLA – an “Enchanting” Rudie-DeCarlo Family Theatre Musical for kids 2 to 102 | Date: | 8/3/2024 - 9/29/2024 | Address: | Santa Monica Playhouse, 1211 4th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | Location: | Santa Monica, CA | Hours: | Saturdays 2pm, Sundays 12:30 | Cost/Cover: | $12.50 for kids 12 and under; $15 for adults; admission includes post-show photo opps with the cast and special surprises provided by Quaker Chewy Family Play Wagon. | Web Page: | https://www.santamonicaplayhouse.com/cinderella.html | Discounts: | https://www.showclix.com/event/cinderella-2023-the-musical | Contact Info: | For details, reservations and birthday information, please call the Playhouse Box Office at 1-310-394-9779 ext 1. |
Details: | “Pick of the Month!” Show Time Magazine.
The beloved Rudie-DeCarlo musical CINDERELLA is back for Aug-Sept only, to celebrate its 40th anniversary with a stunning multi-media makeover. It’s Cinderella like you’ve never seen her before, with new songs, hilarious special FX, a silent movie segment that will have you falling out of your seat, dazzling costumes, amazing magical prestidigitation, and a story about being true to your dreams and loving yourself as you are that's as meaningful today as ever before.
“A delight for the entire family!” LA SPLASH
It’s the perfect fairytale for today's generation: a handsome prince (who yearns to be loved for himself, not his royal position), silly stepsisters (who ultimately discover that looks really aren't everything), a feisty (but genuinely well-meaning) stepmother, a silver-foxy (if slightly befuddled) King and a refreshingly independent Cinderella. "An Enchanting Cinderella!...highlighted by fast pacing, fancy costuming and a lovely, unweepy Cinderella…particularly within the context of Rudie and DeCarlo's trademark Gilbert & Sullivan comic lyrics." LA Times
After two dozen tours to England, Alaska and Japan, CINDERELLA is still the single most requested Playhouse Musical Matinee on three continents and this delightful 40th anniversary make-over offers added delights: playful period costumes by award-winning designer Ashley Hayes, magical special effects by James Cooper and the heart-warming romance that blooms with the assistance of a glass slipper, a magic wand, and the audience's eager intervention.
"This extraordinary company creates a strange new brand of excitement...Truly imaginative and entertaining, this play has all its spark plugs firing." - LA PARENT
CINDERELLA features Actors’ Repertory Theatre members James Cooper, Isabel Lindley, SummerAnne Love, J.T. Melagrano, Cydne Moore, Michala Peltz, Graham Silbert and Megan Wright, with special guest Olvia Hurtado as Cinderella. Fairygodmother, of course, plays herself. Directed by Playhouse Co-Artistic Director Chris DeCarlo, book, music & lyrics by DeCarlo and Evelyn Rudie.
Splendid birthday parties, hosted by costumed members of the Cinderella Company, are available with every performance.
"A show that will delight children and adults, even if they think they have seen every possible twist on the Cinderella story." reviewplays.com
Saturdays 2pm, Sundays 12:30, August 3 – September 29, 2024
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Performance | Submitted by: | Sandra Zeitzew |
| | Troy Parr 1021 hill st apt 2 ,Santa monica, CA |
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