Title: | Brains and Beauty: At the Intersection of Art and Neuroscience | Date: | 8/17/2024 - 1/19/2025 | Address: | Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, 7374 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, | Location: | Scottsdale, AZ | Hours: | Wednesday, Friday - Sunday: 11:00am - 5:00pm / Thursday: 11:00am - 7:00pm | Cost/Cover: | free - $16 | Web Page: | https://smoca.org/exhibition/brains-and-beauty/ | Contact Info: | 480-874-4666 |
Details: | This exhibition aims to investigate the science of aesthetic experience. How and why can visual art evoke strong emotions, present satisfying challenges, and help us see things in a new light? What happens in the human brain when we have an aesthetic experience, and how much can the arts change our neural pathways to think about things in a new way?? Neuroaesthetics is an emerging field that strives to understand the biological basis of aesthetic experiences. It is a subdiscipline of cognitive neuroscience, which investigates how our minds are implemented in the brain. Aesthetic experiences involve the valuation of people, places, and things. Because aesthetic encounters occur commonly in everyday life, exploring their biological bases deepens our understanding of human behavior in important areas such as the selection of partners, choices made by consumers, forms of communication, and encounters with art.??
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |