Title: | Cybele Lyle: Floating Seeds Make Deep Forms | Date: | 8/24/2024 - 1/19/2025 | Address: | Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, 7374 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, | Location: | Scottsdale, AZ | Hours: | Wednesday, Friday - Sunday: 11:00am - 5:00pm / Thursday: 11:00am - 7:00pm | Cost/Cover: | free - $16 | Web Page: | https://smoca.org/exhibition/floating-seeds-make-deep-forms/ | Contact Info: | 480-874-4666 |
Details: | Cybele Lyle is a contemporary artist who explores the relationships between public, private, and ecological spaces. Her first solo museum exhibition, Floating Seeds Make Deep Forms, is a site-specific installation that responds to deserts in the North American Southwest as non-places—liminal expanses for ambiguity within a regenerative ecosystem. Incorporating aspects of queer space, Lyle’s multidimensional collage of desert photography, prints, drawings, makeshift structures, and video projections create a fluid backdrop for discovery. The installation inverts interior and exterior, man-made and biological structures, to contemplate the impression we leave on our surrounding environments. Informed by her upbringing in a family of educators—her father was a landscape architect, and her mother was a biologist—that shared a passion for desert ecologies, Lyle’s practice explores the correlation between architecture and nature through her perspective as a queer woman in order to accommodate that which exists outside of binary categorization. While architecture aims to define space, Lyle’s notion of architecture is non-limiting and responsive to the constantly evolving nature of identity and environment. The artist’s site-specific installation invites visitors to engage with the desert as a site of transformative potential.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |