Title: | Fischersund: Faux Flora | Date: | 11/8/2024 - 1/26/2025 | Address: | National Nordic Museum, 2655 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107 | Location: | Seattle, WA | Hours: | Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 5pm, Thursday: 10am - 8pm | Cost/Cover: | free-$20 | Web Page: | https://nordicmuseum.org/exhibitions/faux-flora | Contact Info: | 206-789-5707 |
Details: | Icelandic family-run art collective, Fischersund, will present its first-ever museum exhibition and the world premiere of Faux Flora, an immersive multimedia exhibition integrating scent, sound, sculpture, 3D-graphics, and photography at the National Nordic Museum this fall. The exhibition draws upon the multidisciplinary artistic talents of Jónsi, lead vocalist of the renowned post-rock band Sigur Rós, and his sisters Inga, Lilja, and Sigurrós. Faux Flora is inspired by the small number of native plant species in Iceland, as well as the scientific relationship between scent and memory. Faux Flora invents new plant species, the perfume and appearance of which elicit emotions and experiences. The exhibition is a sensorial display of human existence shown through the lens of plants. The plant life cycle—germination, growth, flowering, seed formation, and dispersal—is thus superimposed on the life cycle of a human. Imagined flora springs from universal experiences—birth, childhood, adolescence, maturity, and old age.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |