Title: | Mantra: Lifespan | Date: | 9/20/2024 - 3/2/2025 | Address: | Daum Museum Of Contemporary Art, 3201 West 16th Street, Sedalia, MO 65301, | Location: | Sedalia, MO | Hours: | Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, 1-5 p.m | Cost/Cover: | free, donations accepted | Web Page: | https://www.daummuseum.org/event/mantra/?mode=future | Contact Info: | (660) 530-5888 |
Details: | The image of the elusive butterfly suggests to us the briefest lifespan, but is it? Through scientific study we know that butterflies naturally enter states of hibernation, sometimes for several years, to prolong their own existence. Most of them migrate, thousands of miles like the Monarch, looking for a more favorable climate. Yet, in our coexistence, human beings impact those life cycles, threatening the butterfly’s survival to extinction. In this context, this exhibition asks profound questions about the fragility of life, and explores what the butterfly’s ability to prolong time in the face of danger can teach us about our relationship with the natural world. By encapsulating the briefest moment in time, the butterfly becomes simultaneously a field study and an artwork – life as it happens, yet also immortalized for wonder and contemplation.
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibit | Submitted by: | contributed |