Title: | Red River Revel | Date: | 9/28/2024 - 10/6/2024 | Address: | 101 Crockett St | Location: | Shreveport, LA | Hours: | All Day | Cost/Cover: | Free | Web Page: | https://redriverrevel.com/ | Contact Info: | (318) 424-4000 |
Details: | The festival offers the highest level of national and regional musical performances. Split between multiple stages, the Revel provides musical performances all day for nine days in downtown Shreveport.In addition to the music lineup, the Revel fosters a vibrant atmosphere that caters to diverse interests. Throughout the week, local businesses arrange lunch outings, offering an opportunity for networking and camaraderie among colleagues and friends. Families eagerly participate in a multitude of creative and educational activities during nights and weekends, relishing in the bonding experiences it provides. Meanwhile, the festival serves as a magnet for talented visual artists nationwide, attracting individuals from various regions who eagerly showcase and sell their art, captivating both local residents and visitors traveling from hundreds of miles away. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Arts and Entertainment | Submitted by: | contributed |