Title: | David Plowden: By the Wayside | Date: | 11/8/2024 - 1/26/2025 | Address: | Wichita Art Museum, 1400 West Museum Boulevard, Wichita, KS 67203 | Location: | Wichita, KS | Hours: | Wednesday – Sunday: 19AM - 5PM, Friday: 10am - 9pm | Cost/Cover: | free | Web Page: | https://wam.org/whats-on/exhibitions/david-plowden-by-the-wa ... | Contact Info: | 316-268-4921 |
Details: | Photographer David Plowden—now 92—has spent his long career traversing the United States to find subjects for his black-and-white photographs. At age 11, he received a Brownie reflex, his first camera, and began taking pictures of the steam trains that crisscrossed his home state of Vermont. As steam trains were replaced by newer technology and Plowden documented their last days, his career photographing vanishing people and places took shape. By the Wayside surveys major subjects in Plowden’s work, including trains, ships, bridges, farms and fields, steel mills, and the people who lived and worked across the US. Each image is a detailed, melancholy tribute to the recent past, picturing industries and places that are quickly disappearing. Plowden writes that “I have spent my life glorifying works of an age past… I have tried to enshrine them with an immortality before they vanish.”
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Exhibits | Submitted by: | contributed |