Title: | Yukon Ice Rink | Date: | 11/23/2024 - 1/5/2025 | Address: | 500 W Vandament Ave | Location: | Yukon, OK | Hours: | 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Cost/Cover: | General Admission: $13Military (with ID): $11General Admission (without skate rental): $10Children (age 5 and under): $10 | Web Page: | https://www.yukonicerink.com/ | Contact Info: | info@yukonicerink.com |
Details: | Part of Yukon's Christmas in the Park event, the Yukon Ice Rink welcomes skaters of all ages for the holiday season. Head to Chisholm Trail Park to enjoy a great winter of outdoor ice skating on 4,100 square feet of real ice. Rent ice skates ranging from toddler size 7 to adult size 13, or bring your own skates to the rink. In addition to ice skating, be sure to stroll through the park and enjoy the festive light displays. |
Audience: | All Welcome | Category: | Holiday Events | Submitted by: | contributed |