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  (20,369,222 Subscribers)

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$18 for Silver Huggie Hoop Earrings - Including Shipping! ($32 Value)

Slide Shows

Valentines Day funnies to put a smile on your face

Look-Alike Kids

These Photographers will do whatever it takes to get the shot they want

A Collection of Creative and Funny Yard Signs

These people have some funny photos with their favorite Celebs!

These people have names that match are perfect for their jobs!

New Years Resolutions

The Funniest Christmas design fails on the web

Fifty Amazing Animal Facts You need to Know

Funniest Food Fails, cooking can be tougher than it looks

Creative Acts or Artwork We Love

Time for some Thanksgiving Fun

Health facts that you probably think are true but are actually wrong

Habits of Happy People that will Improve Your Life

Pictures That You Won’t Believe Are Real

Lost in Translation

The Problem with Public Transportation is the Public Part

Breaking News, People continue to do funny things

Some of the things you would see if you were a bird

Did you know how much pets really love UPS drivers? Turns out it's the highlight of their day!

Babies, endearing, adorable, lovable, sweet, darling babies to brighten your day

America a Century Ago we have come a long way

If you like Mind Bending Photos ...

Adorable Ways Pets were included in Wedding Photos

What the hell is going on at the gym

Happy Father's Day

These Pregnancy Announcements will put a smile on you today!

Happy Mothers Day from our friends in the Wild Kingdom

Funniest Bathroom Signs Ever

Rare Hybrid Animals that Really Exist

These Cats May be Conspiring to Take Over the World or Maybe they are just Really Cute

These people have the 4th of July Spirit!

Restaurants are opening and they still have a sense of humor

How many of these Awesome Experiences have you had? Most people have done less than 10 of these!

How many of these 80's Celebrities do you remember?

Creative Mailboxes From Across Our Greate Country

Take a quick trip around the Worlds Most Colorful Places

Hilarious Moments In Mannequin History

Weird Roadside Attractions across America

Perfectly Timed Photos You Need To See

Our favorite celebrities with their younger selves

Adorable Animal Pics from Our Readers

Here are some of the Craziest Things We've Seen On The Road

You have to wonder what they were fails

Vandalism Yes. Funny? Also Yes.

Funny Signs Trending on the old web this week

People who forgot to check the backround

On the web this week just to make you laugh

If you have to go to the Office to Work it might as well be fun

Must see Pinup Girls and Cars

Extreme Female Contortionists

News Flash: The Coronavirus is under control, sort of

You'll love these perfectly timed photos

Funny Playground Design Fails

Glorious Photographs of Celebrities Wearing No Makeup

Around the World Today

Amazing Celebrity Homes, that will Blow You Away

The Troubled Children of Big Time Celebs

Here are some great tips for Brides

You'll never guess how these Celebrity Couples first met and fell in love

Here are some Vintage Ads that companies would rather you not see

Creative Street People Signs

This weeks funny trending signs on the big old web

Plastic Surgery can really be a bad idea

These people just don't care anymore

Trending Bumper Stickers

Mother Nature is a busy woman!

Crazy fun photos from Disney Parks

Amazing 3D Sidewalk Chalk Art

Vacations, the Good, the Bad and the Hysterical

You will love these funny vacation photos

Did you know these celebs where related?

This weeks funniest animal pics to brighten your day

Celebrity Friendly Ex-Couples, Love Lost can still be friendship

Capitol Breached Americans Unhappy with Politicians

Weight Loss and Transformations: Before and After Pictures

New Years Eve Biggest Celebrations

This Years Funniest Holiday Pics

The World Continues to be a Weird Place

Yes, the Elevator Camera is always watching you

How many of these strange animals have you seen?

Your Favorite Actresses Then and Now

Amazing Large Scale Building Art

These are your all time favorites on Dancing with the Stars

Who says school isn't fun?

You had one job, best of

Amazing Female Cosplay Costumes

We are so Confused by these Hilarious Poorly Designed Signs

Hilarious Boating Fails

One Word Photos

You will love these creative pet costumes we can't believe Halloween is already here!

The Most Famous Celebrity From Your State

Another Crazy Day at the Beach

When the People in the Background Completely Stole the Show

Celebrity Kids Who Became Models

Funny Names That Are Immature But Hilarious

Barbie really knows how to look sharp

Sarcasm and Funny Quotes

Some days you should just stay in bed, just ask these people

Who lets these people drive on the road with the rest of us?


So you say you could use a good laugh about now?

Crazy Photos that you won't believe are real

How about some witty tee shirts to make you smile today?

Silly Protest Signs that will make you smile today

All of these people are allowed to vote, and their vote counts just as much as yours

Who is feeding these pets, wow you won't believe some of these

More fun with Signs this week

The Internet loves to give Karen a hard time

Seeing pictures of happy people increases your happiness and lower your blood pressure, try it for yourself!

Well people continue to have a sense of humor

Wonderful Thoughts for a Happier Life from Buddha

Funny Baby Announcements during Quarantine

Ingenious Bus Advertising

Restaurants are Opening and We Are Ready to Get Out and Eat

Sometimes it's tough being a dog

Creative problem solving day

These Amazing People Risked Their Own Lives to Save Animals and to show us all that there are lots of good people in this world of ours!

These Funny Animal pics will brighten your day, we promise

Funny Sign Burnouts

In case you were wondering what exactly a Sh*tload is, well here you go

We got a kick out of these Things and Mini-Things

These people take moving to a whole new level

Celebrity Prom Photos

Nostalgia Series, Pop Stars Then and Now, who do you think changed the most

Take a quick tour of these incredible Abandoned Mansions

Tough week so we thought these pictures would put a smile on your face, enjoy!

Real questions that people from other countries ask about Americans

Why We Love Texas

Here is some fun bathroom graffiti some of these are genius

Group Photos from Mother Nature

Heart warming photos that will restore your faith in humanity

You'll be surprised at just how big some of these things are!

The News isn't all bad, sometimes it's Amazingly Funny

These people and animals are having the Best Day Ever, enjoy!

Yup, it's time for some Funny Signs

These altered photos are really amazing

Immature? Yes, Funny, also Yes...

We asked one hundred people with OCD what pictures made them feel good

Sometimes Karma just finds you!

Golden Globes Awards Best to Worst dressed and everything in between

Ok, time to take a quick break and smile, you'll love reading through these!

The funniest games on the web this week

Fun time with Holiday Greeting Cards, Creative, Funny and sometimes Strange

We asked 100 men what personality trait they liked most about the women they love

You'll be surprised to see who has their very own private jet, flying with the public is such a drag

Some of the worst Parking Jobs we have ever seen

These pictures are all optical illusions

You Need to know these 10 Great Tips to Increase your Home's Value!

If you one of these signs, you are in the South

Surprising Stars Who Got Their Start on Reality TV

Hysterical Knock Off Products, or why we need Tariffs

How about some good old fashion trucker humour?

What happens in Vegas is always hilarious...

These knock off products are hysterical

These people have a great sense of humor and they want to make you smile today

Most Viewed Photos on the Web

Trending Pics on the Web this week

This is National Revenge Parking Month, Yay!

The Genius of Street Art people is incredibly inspiring, take a moment to enjoy this form of Art

Funniest shop names around the world

Today we celebrate the Rule Breakers and the Risk Takers

Americas Favorite Comic Cons

Worst Wedding Dresses

Words Recently Rejected From The English Dictionary

Hottest NFL Hunks

Some of the worst room designs you will ever see

Beautiful Beaches that you need to plan on visiting from Cape Cod to Brazil

People who are suddenly having a bad day

Adorable Animals that fit in the palm of your hand

People who should have spell checked their tattoo

These are the funniest Breakup Notes on the web

These are the greatest Hospital signs, made us laugh...

Check out these before and now photos of our favorite stars!

These photos show how your subconscious mind is constantly looking for patterns

Some of the funniest things going on at the Beach!

You will be saddened at the number of School Shootings already this year, we were

Most popular pics on the web this week to brighten your mood

Why we love going to the gym, it's not the workout, it's the people

These amazing photos were taken a just the right time

Posing with Statues

These photos will make you smile when you see what is happening in the background

Old people just make you laugh sometimes

Spring is Finally here sort of...

We think you'll get a kick out of these Unbelievable Shadows

If you have had a tough week, these signs will put a smile on your face!

Nothing like a good Photobomb to make you smile!

It's time for Fashion Fails

Mother Nature is such a show off...

American Tourists in Asia get a bit of a culture shock

Amazing Transformations

Funny and Creative Billboards

Things You Should Know About Married Life

Doctors prove that laughter is the best medicine

Funny Quotes guaranteed to make you laugh

Funniest car and truck ads

Hilarious Windshield Notes You Just Have To See

Fun pics for your Thanksgiving Holiday

These Adopted Dogs will put a smile on your face all day!

Kids love pets and pets love kids

You will love these cool photoshop creations

You won't believe these Epic Design Fails

Funniest Bumper Stickers

Hilarious Road Signs that Made Us Laugh

These Protest Signs will Make you Laugh Out Loud, we did...

Here are the most Amazing Sand Sculptures on our little planet!

These are the funniest boat names you will ever see!

Best of the Web Translation Fails, You Will Love These

We love these Sculptures that Defy Gravity

We have some Roadside Wisdom for you this week!

These photos will trick your mind, you'll get a real kick out it, we promise!

Feel physically better in just 3 minutes with this Happiness Slide Show it really works!

Classic Celebrity Mug Shots, some of these really surprised us!

Take a quick break with us to see some of the most wonderful places on earth

These Perfectly Timed Photos will brighten your day today

If you think your job is hard, take a look at these jobs!

You will love these creative and funny store signs

Parenting is not for everyone, especially these moms and dads

Yes we dressed this way and Yes we thought we were cool

These baby animal pics will brighten your day

Kids love dogs and dogs love kids, made you smile!

See how Happy Dogs are After You Adopt Them

These Amazing Transformations will leave you smiling

Amazing Historic Photos Restored in Color

You will love these Amazing Winter Pics

You think you had a bad Contractor, these are hilarious

Take a look at how really cool your grandparents were

Amazing Before and After Makeovers

Funny Supermarket Fails

Here are some of the great people who sent help to Houston after Hurricane Harvey, it's nice to know how many people will help you in a crisis

Here are a bunch of great Puppy photos to brighten your day!


Incredible Photos Of Animals With Rare Markings

Incredible places around the world, these are wicked cool, bet you haven't heard that one in a while!

Happy Mothers Day, we think you will enjoy these pics, thank you for being our Mom

Who is turning 40 years old in 2017

A Sneak Peek into the Coolest Celebrity Living Rooms

Celebs dating Athletes

Celebrity Engagement Rings, Let's see some Bling!

Take a Sneak Peak inside of this celebs 13 million dollar Tribeca home

Bitter Hollywood Divorce Battles

Celeb Moms who left Hollywood after having Kids

Must See Videos: Charles Oakley Gets into a Fight at the Knicks Game

Celebrity Breakups

Unexpected Celebrity Romances

Worst Prom Dresses

Celebrity Obituaries

Some Mothers Day Fun

Banned on Facebook

Editor's Choice Events for Connecticut
All  Northwest  Eastern  Southwest  Central / Hartford  

Stamford, Mystic Pizza (1/31 - 2/15): Based on the beloved 1988 MGM romantic comedy that launched the career of Julia Roberts, Mystic Pizza is a new musical about three working-class girls who navigate the complexities of life, love and f


Hartford, I Love R&B Party at the Webster CT (2/14): TELL YOUR LOVERS & FRIENDS that @ILoveRNBParty is baaaack! A “Valentine’s Day” Special February 14th!


Plainville, Benefit Holistic Expo (2/16 - 3/16): Holistic Benefit EXPO VFW Hall in Plainville March 16, 2025 Sunday 12pm- 4pm VFW Hall 7 Northwest Dr. (Off RT 10 on Farmington town line) Plainville, CT 06062


Viking Motorcycle Bags : Our desire was to create something that was just as beautiful as it was useful. Thus began the journey of a thousand miles. One pile of carefully chosen leather and one extensively thought-out saddleb


Calling all Brides, Free Bridal Show Calendar, Bridal Giveaways, Wedding Expos, Upcoming Bridal Show : Don't miss out, sign up for alerts and Bridal Shows and Bridal Giveaways, somebody is going to win!

sponsored links

Boston, Upcoming Gem and Jewelry Shows Near Me : Gem and Jewelry Show master list is here!


Meriden, Steamed Cheeseburger Night at Meriden Turner Halle (2/20): Steamed Cheeseburger Night at Meriden Turner Halle (800 Old Colony Rd, Meriden), Thursday, Feb 20th at 7pm. Reservations needed at


Brookfield, Valley Music Series Presents the Great American Songbook (2/23): Jessica Ann Best and Allen Jones are set to bring the timeless melodies of the Great American Songbook to the Valley Presbyterian Church in Brookfield on Sunday, February 23 at 3:00 p.m. This concert,


Wethersfield, WHS announces Publication of an Important Database (2/20): Wethersfield Historical Society announces the publication of "Free and Enslaved People of Color 1634 - 1848"

Today's Catch: $15 for our Swarovski Crystal Disco Ball Round Pendant Necklace - Including Shipping! ($34 Value)

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Valentines Day funnies to put a smile on your face

Happening now or soon

Berlin, Swipe in Real Life-A Speed Dating Event (2/14): It's time to meet your match face-to-face.SWIPE IN REAL LIFEValentine's Day Edition!


Bridgeport, An Evening with P.T. Barnum Presented by; Mike Allen of Amazing Tales CT (2/27): $20.00 Join us for an unforgettable evening to learn more about P.T. Barnum! Food Drink Spe





Happening now or soon


Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, Creamery Station Drop Party (2/15): Doors 7:30, Show 8:30 $15 Advance \/\/ $20 Day of 21+ On the scene for 10 years now, Creamery S

Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, Frederick Douglass: An American Slave (2/20): This well-received one-man play has been performed in venues across the country, including at the Do

Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, How to Run for DSSD Commissioner training session (2/18): The Bridgeport DSSD Board of Commissioners is adding four seats on the board for leaseholders within


Bridgeport, Jason Jones Red Ball Express bringin soul-rock to Castle, Blackrock (2/21): Baddest blues-rock trio bringing it all to Castle, Blackrock Friday Feb 21, 2025. C'mon out and get

Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, Members General Meeting (5pm)(New President) (2/16): Dear Member, You are cordially invited to attend our first 2025 Members General Meeting. We ar


Bridgeport, Miscellaneous Matters Committee Meeting (2/24): One key purpose of the Miscellaneous Matters Committee is to discuss and make recommendations regard


Bridgeport, Ordinance Committee Meeting (2/25): The City Council has the power to create ordinances, which are our local laws. According to stat


Bridgeport, Our 7TH Wine At The Klein Whiskey Too! (2/27): Please join us in sampling fine wines and whiskeys with appetizers included! All proceeds benefit th

Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, Presidents Day Dinner (2/17): Whats more American than fried chicken meatloaf!


Bridgeport, ROLL BOUNCE 2 - The Roller Skating Bounce House Event for the Whole Family (2/22): ROLL BOUNCE 2 - The Roller Skating Bounce House Event Hosted By: Daddy Backwards Entertainment

Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, The \Someone Special\ Valentines Dance (2/15): The \"Someone Special\" Valentine's Dance Hosted By: Daddy Backwards Entertainment Children ar


Bridgeport, The Barnum Festival Presents: PT Barnum! (2/27): Only $10 for Port 5 members!


Bridgeport, The NEON Junior Bonspiel (2/14 - 2/16): Our annual junior bonspiel boasts a "one-of-a-kind" glow in the dark curling experience on the weeke

Happening now or soon

Bridgeport, The Ultimate Girls Night Out! Candle Making Experience (2/16): Join us for a FEMALE ONLY event that includes candles making, shopping, raffles, games, music a 45


Bridgeport, Wine at the Klein (and whiskey too) (2/27): Taste 50+ wines whiskeys on our stage! Ticket proceeds benefit the Klein Memorial Auditorium Fou


Bristol, Carousel Museum Gatsby (2/15): Get ready to party like it's the Roaring Twenties again! The Carousel Museum presents the return of


Bristol, F+B my Valentine! (2/14): A special evening of fun and connection in the Gallery! We've designed a special target poster for t


Bristol, Frame Your Love: A Pressed Flower Frame Workshop @ The Bristol Bazaar (2/14): Let your inner child free to experience the joy of playing with pressed flowers and foliage in this


Bristol, Free Quarterly Educational Series - Understanding Chakras (2/15): An introduction to understanding chakras and how horses can help us clear and balance our energy cen


Bristol, Glenn Roth Live at The New Cambridge Project (2/21): Making my debut at The New Cambridge Project!! Join me there for great brews, live music & food truck (TBA)!


Bristol, Soul Sound Revue (3/1): Soul Sound Revue is by far the hottest nine piece Motown show this side of Detroit, performing the greatest hits in the true “Motown Tradition.”

Happening now or soon

Brookfield, A Flea In Her Ear (2/21 - 3/15): A Flea In Her Ear" has been named the greatest of French farces and perhaps the greatest farce ever written!

Happening now or soon

Brookfield, Couples Honeycomb Stoneware Mug (Brookfield) (2/14): Come out early for Valentine's Day as a couple and make a pair of honeycomb mugs that you will both want to use every day!


Brookfield, Valley Music Series Presents the Great American Songbook (2/23): Jessica Ann Best and Allen Jones are set to bring the timeless melodies of the Great American Songbook to the Valley Presbyterian Church in Brookfield on Sunday, February 23 at 3:00 p.m. This concert,

Happening now or soon

Colebrook, Valentines Day Charcuterie Workshop at Norbrook Farm Brewery (2/14): Join us for a fun and delicious Valentine's Day Charcuterie Workshop at Norbrook Farm Brewery! Learn how to create a beautiful heart shaped charcuterie board perfect for sharing with your loved one.

Happening now or soon

Cromwell, Babysitter Safety Class (2/14): Details: This entry-level course is intended to teach age-appropriate skills necessary to care for children using team babysitting, mother’s helper, and individual babysitting concepts.

Happening now or soon

Danbury, Valentines Silent Dance Party at Charter Oak! (2/14): Bring your Valentine to Charter Oak Brewing and dance the night away! Rabbit Ears will be providing wireless headphones and streaming three playlists that you choose from with the flip of a switch rig


Darien, James Giaccio: Natural Harmony at the Geary Gallery, Darien, CT (2/1 - 2/28): This February, Geary Gallery proudly presents "Natural Harmony," featuring the watercolors of Summit, NJ artist, James Giaccio

Happening now or soon

Dayville, Sono 1420 Distillery Valentines Day Dinner (2/14): Join us on February 14, 2025, from 6-9 PM for an unforgettable evening of exquisite pairings and exceptional spirits!

Happening now or soon

East Hampton, Coconuts at VFW Post 5095 (2/15): The coconuts are back at VFW Post 5095! Tickets available now! Click on eventbrite to get tickets no

Happening now or soon

East Haven, XTREME (Valentines) Comedy (2/14): Looking for a seriously funny way to celebrate the most romantic (or awkward) day of the year? Join us at Cabaret on Main Theatre for Xtreme Comedy on Wednesday, February 14th, at 8 PM!

Happening now or soon

Enfield, Love and Laughter (2/14): Spread the love and laughter on Valentine's Day with Michele Urban.

Happening now or soon

Essex, 2025 Winter Wildlife Eagle Cruises (2/7 - 3/12): Experience the beauty and solitude of the lower Connecticut River during this wonderful time of year! It is so different than it is any other time of the year.

Happening now or soon

Fairfield, Fun Home (2/7 - 2/23): Fun Home is a refreshingly honest, wholly original musical about seeing your parents through grown-up eyes.


Fairfield, Pangea w\/ The Nuclear Heartbreak Trample Dragons Fairfield, CT StageOne (2/21): Pangea with The Nuclear Heartbreak and Trample Dragons FRI 2\/21 StageOne Fairfield, CT TICKE

Happening now or soon

Fairfield, To See This Place: Awakening to Our Common Home (1/24 - 3/29): Environmental threats and climate change are urgent matters of concern at Jesuit universities, where conversations on this topic often take place in reference to two documents by Pope Francis: Laudato


Farmington, Spiritualist Church of Love and Light : Our services are located within Bridge Healing Arts Center. 1st & 3rd Sundays at 10:30am Awakening Room. Zoom is available each week. Email Cheryl Defosse for Zoom link - boardchair@spiritualistlovean


Goshen, The Women (2/22 - 3/9): Clare Boothe Luce’s The Women is a classic story of manners that occasionally (and delightfully) veers into screwball comedy.

Happening now or soon

Haddam, Valentines Dinner Dance (2/14): Please join us on Friday February 14th for our Valentine's Dinner Dance!$99 Per Person- Open Wine & Beer Bar!!(Inclusive Of Service Charge & CT Tax)

Happening now or soon

Hartford, 2025 Spring Groundschool (2/15): 2025 Spring Groundschool at premier Flight Center


Hartford, 2025 Spring Groundschool (2/15): 2025 Spring Groundschool at premier Flight Center


Hartford, 2025 Spring Groundschool (2/15): 2025 Spring Groundschool at premier Flight Center


Hartford, 2nd Annual Winter Wellness Market (2/23): Come in from the cold and join us for our 2nd Annual Winter Wellness Market at Thomas Hooker Live!


Hartford, A Bronx Tale: The Original One-Man Show (2/22): Join us for a one-night-only screening of A Bronx Tale: The Original One-Man Show, followed by a pos

Happening now or soon

Hartford, An Evening With Cowboy Junkies - Celebrating 40 Years _ Hartford, CT (2/19): Infinity Music Hall | Hartford, CT Doors 7pm \/\/ Show 8pm \/\/ All Ages


Hartford, Any Given Saturdays (2/24): HARTFORD! Every Saturday its Any Given Saturdays! Sponsored by titosvodka 187 Allyn St, Hartford

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Archdiocese of Hartfords Wedding Anniversary Mass (2/15): The Archdiocese of Hartford is celebrating its' Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass in conjunction with


Hartford, Bone Church Head With Wings (2/28): Doors at 8pm | Music at 9pm 21+ \/\/ $15 FREE PARKING at Front Street Garage (bring in your ticket


Hartford, CD Release Party for Trial by Fire (2/22): We will do some songs from our CD as well as other favorites. Special guests will be joining us too.

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Encounters: 100% Democracy – The Case for Universal Voting (2/15): Join us for an engaging discussion on universal voting and its potential impact on democracy in the United States


Hartford, Encounters: Political Activism in 1860 and 2025 (2/27): What does it mean to be politically involved? What do political action and freedom of speech look li


Hartford, Enough Python to Get Started (Coding) (2/28): One Session: 1.5 hours Prerequisite: No prior coding experience required. Suitable for beginners.


Hartford, Friends of Feeney Night at the Hartford Wolf Pack (2/28): Join us for our annual night with the Hartford Wolf Pack on Friday, February 28 as they take on the


Hartford, Hartford Symphony Orchestra: A European Sketchbook (3/2): Experience the extraordinary sounds of chamber music in the beautiful and vibrant setting of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, under the artistic direction of HSO Concertmaster Leonid Sigal and fe

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Hartford Symphony Orchestra: Sirena Plays Sibelius (2/14 - 2/16): A beloved favorite of the HSO, Sirena Huang, returns to the Belding Stage to perform the renowned Sibelius Violin Concerto.


Hartford, Hartford Wolf Pack vs Providence Bruins (2/22): What better way to add some excitement to a Saturday night than with a postgame player skate?! All t


Hartford, Hartford Wolf Pack vs Utica Comets (3/1): Don't forget your skates at home and hit the ice for our final postgame skate of the season! Other t

Happening now or soon

Hartford, I Love R&B Party at the Webster CT (2/14): TELL YOUR LOVERS & FRIENDS that @ILoveRNBParty is baaaack! A “Valentine’s Day” Special February 14th!

Happening now or soon

Hartford, I Love RB Party at The Webster CT (21+) (2/14): TELL YOUR LOVERS FRIENDS that @ILoveRNBParty is baaaack! A Valentines Day Special February 14th!

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Improv Comedy Night feat. The Afterparty, Magical Boy Transformation, and Mystery Switch (2/15): See our theater's house teams improvise a comedy show inspired by suggestions from you, our audience

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Improvisations Now - February (2/16): Improvisations Now is a monthly series of concerts programmed by Joe Morris. Joe invites a diverse g


Hartford, Jazz Up Your Terrarium (3/1): Join us for a fun-filled workshop on making beautiful terrariums! Experience the rhythm of nature as

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Making it Meaningful: Fuse Beads (2/14): Think fuse beads are just a simple filler activity? Think again! Join the Network staff as we transf

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Marriage Ministry Be in the Room on 2\/14 (2/14): Marriage Ministry invites you to an evening to Reset, Renew and Revive!


Hartford, Once On This Island Auditions (2/24): This spring, let ActUp Theater sweep you away to the vibrant and enchanting world of Once On This Is

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Psychopomp - Valentines Day Massacre (2/14): Whether you love or hate the holiday, going solo or with partner(s), come dance with your goth fam and join DJs Omegatelik and RD_FOXX on Friday, Feb 14th!

Happening now or soon

Hartford, PSYCHOPOMP - VALENTINES DAY MASSACRE (2/14): Will you be our bloody Valentine?? Whether you love or hate the holiday, going solo or with partn


Hartford, Red Carpet Experience 2025 (3/2): Join us on Sunday, March 2, 2025, at the Lyceum in Hartford, as we raise funds to support ACT's miss


Hartford, RENOVATION WAREHOUSE SALE (2/22): Help us clear out the warehouse and lighten the load for our renovation in March!!! 50 OFF EVERY


Hartford, Service Provider Monthly Engagement Meeting February 2025 (In-Person) (2/27): The purpose of these Service Provider Monthly Engagement Meetings are to strengthen connections betw


Hartford, Sunday Worship (2/16): You are invited to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM. We worship all year around online and


Hartford, The Breakfast - Hartford, CT (2/22): 21+ \/\/ $20 ADV \/\/ $30 DOS FREE PARKING at Front Street Garage (bring in your ticket for validat


Hartford, Thrown (2/22): Doors: 6:30PM Show: 7:30PM


Hartford, Trinity Organ Series: Lunchtime Thursdays (3/6): 12:10 p.m. Ellen Dickinson, carillon 12:45 p.m. Organ Recital For more information, and the comp

Happening now or soon

Hartford, Trivia at Dead Language Beer Project (2/20): Trivia! General, all-ages, all fun.


Hartford, Up All Night: A One Direction Party (2/21): up all night is a one direction party thrown by directioners, for directioners! come stay up all


Hartford, Vespers Hymn-Sing with Shawn Kirchner (2/27): You are invited to join the Immanuel Congregational Church, UCC Congregation and Chancel Choir, for


Hartford, Whats this form for? (2/27): Have you wondered if you need an addendum instead of a rider or vise versa? This event is for you! L


Madison, Blues Festival with Jake Kulak and the Modern Vandals with Special Guests Quinn Sullivan and Jim Wei (3/1): Our Blues Winter Concert features Jake Kulak and the Modern Vandals, winner of the 2019 Foxwoods Resort Casino “Battle of the Bands” and features special guests

Happening now or soon

Manchester, Free Valentines Day Wedding Services (2/14): FREE Justice of the Peace Services on Friday, February 14 10am - 12noon to any couple on a first come, first served basis. Some restrictions

Happening now or soon

Manchester, Murder Inn (2/7 - 2/23): Set in a dilapidated New England inn, a group of tourists on a ghost tour is forced to make an unscheduled stop for the night.


Mansfield Center, GOITSE (3/1): Experience the vibrant energy and innovative spirit of Goitse, where traditional Irish music meets contemporary brilliance for an unforgettable experience.


Meriden, Steamed Cheeseburger Night at Meriden Turner Halle (2/20): Steamed Cheeseburger Night at Meriden Turner Halle (800 Old Colony Rd, Meriden), Thursday, Feb 20th at 7pm. Reservations needed at


Middlefield, Astronomy Night: Stargazing at Lyman Orchards (3/1): Head over to the driving range at Lyman Orchards Golf Course for a beautiful night full of stargazing with the Astronomy Society of New Haven. The event will take place on Saturday, March 1st & March


Middlefield, Friday Night Live Music Series Featuring Modern Refuge at 1741 Pub & Grill (3/7): Join us for live music, great food and drinks at 1741 Pub & Grill on Friday nights in March! March 7th, Modern Refuge will be playing from 5pm-8pm.


Middletown, Theater, Dance, and Circus Classes start January 6 in Middletown (1/6 - 3/8): Registration is now open for Winter Programs at Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater located at 128 Washington Street in Middletown! Beginning January 6, weekly classes in theater, dance, circus, and vi

Happening now or soon

Mystic, 2025 Wintertide (2/15 - 2/17): Celebrate the great outdoors in New England with three days of winter whimsy and frosty festivities at Mystic Seaport Museum!

Happening now or soon

Mystic, FREE Valentines Day Weddings!!! (2/14): Marie Tyler Wiley performs FREE Valentines Weddings every year @ The Old Mystic Village Meeting House.

Happening now or soon

Mystic, One World Project: Art, Culture, and Children’s Literature from Around the World (1/31 - 3/9): The MMoA One World Project is an annual program with New London public schools to enrich the curriculum with the study of art of cultures from around the world.

Happening now or soon

Mystic, One World Project: Art, Culture, and Children’s Literature from Around the World (1/31 - 3/9): The MMoA One World Project is an annual program with New London public schools to enrich the curriculum with the study of art of cultures from around the world.

Happening now or soon

New Britain, Blue Grass, Green Skies: American Impressionism and Realism from the Lo (1/24 - 5/18): In 1874, a group of avant-garde French artists organized the first exhibition of the “Anonymous Society of Painters, Sculptors, Printmakers, etc.” in Paris.

Happening now or soon

New Britain, Valleys and Blue Light: Sculptures and Folded Cyanotypes by Fritz Horstman (9/6 - 3/30): Light and shadows, landscapes, voids, and reversals; the subjects of Fritz Horstman’s forthcoming exhibition are simultaneously very much of the everyday world and also something less easily defined.

Happening now or soon

New Haven, $13 Fill a Bag Bin Sale (Inside) (2/15): Join us on February 15th for our monthly bin sale! We will be putting out unsorted bins full of good

Happening now or soon

New Haven, 2025 New Directions In Environmental Law Conference (2/15): REGISTER HERE: https:\/\/\/ndel\/registration\/ Since 2011, students have or

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Art In The BackMusic In The Front February Edition Featuring A Chance For Love Rescue (2/15): Saturday, February 15th 9pm No Cover Three Sheets Presents: Art In The Back...Music In The Fr

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Awakening (2/16): The Yale Symphony Orchestra joins forces with the Yale Glee Club and the Elms City Girls Choir for a monumental performance of Stravinsky’s Symphony of Psalms.


New Haven, Board Games and New Friends (2/16): Come make new friends and play board games! These events are open to anyone with an interest in p


New Haven, Brunch with Mickey Minnie (2/23): Join us for a fun-filled brunch with Mickey and Minnie!

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Community Day: New Haven, Yale, and Slavery Exhibition (2/15): A special community day will be held from 12 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, February 15, 2025, offering tour

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Cupid & Cocktails (2/14): Join us for an evening filled with romance, music and indulgence.Reserve your spot now for an evening of Cupid's charm, cocktails, and love!

Happening now or soon

New Haven, David Goldblatt: No Ulterior Motive (2/21 - 6/22): David Goldblatt: No Ulterior Motive is a major traveling retrospective exhibition that spans the seven decades of this South African photographer’s career, from the 1950s to the 2010s.


New Haven, Dynamic Duo: A Conversation with Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy, Moderated by Kevin McCarthy (2/26): Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy, YC 89, P 25 are one of Hollywoods most dynamic duos, collaborating on


New Haven, Faye Webster Tickets (2/25): Immerse yourself in the dreamy sounds of Faye Webster live in concert! With her soulful voice and he


New Haven, Fighting for Connecticuts Kids (2/21): Timed with Black History Month, CCA and @SCSU are jointly hosting a breakfast event to highlight the

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Greensky Bluegrass (2/14): For two decades now, Greensky Bluegrass have been building an empire, brick by brick


New Haven, Highlights Tour (2/15): Join our undergraduate guides for a conversational tour focused on a selection of objects from the G

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Inna Faliks (2/15): Performing works by both well-known composers and newly commissioned works from her latest album Man

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Intro to Woodworking: Build an 8.5# X 11 Picture Frame (2/15): Looking for a great introduction to woodworking? In this hands-on workshop, youll create a stylish a

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Iolanta (2/15 - 2/16): Yale Opera presents a new production of Tchaikovsky’s romantic fairy tale Iolanta.

Happening now or soon

New Haven, JUST (ABOUT) A GIRL feat SUBLIMINAL DOUBT (No Doubt\/Gwen Tribute) NIRVANI (Nirvana Tribute) (2/14): JUST (ABOUT) A GIRL! featuring SUBLIMINAL DOUBT A Tribute to No Doubt Gwen Stefani NIRVANI A


New Haven, Magic Deal, Drifting North My Fellow at Three Sheets (2/22): Join us for a evening of live music here at Three Sheets Saturday, February 22 9pm Featuring :


New Haven, Mardi Gras 2025 (3/4): Save the Date! Mark your calendarsMardi Gras is back! Join us for the Annual Mardi Gras Fundra


New Haven, Mariposas del Mundo: Greenspace Workdays (2/14): Come take care of this beautiful pollinator garden by removing invasive species, seed harvesting, an


New Haven, Mariposas del Mundo: Greenspace Workdays (2/14): Come take care of this beautiful pollinator garden by removing invasive species, seed harvesting, an

Happening now or soon

New Haven, National Dominican Students Conference 2025 (2/20): The National Dominican Students Conference 2025, with the theme 'Bridging Cultures and Building Lega


New Haven, National Dominican Students Conference 2025 (2/20): The National Dominican Students Conference 2025, with the theme 'Bridging Cultures and Building Lega


New Haven, NHCO Winter Concert (3/4): Please join us for our 20th year concert series. We are pleased to present our Winter Concert on Tue

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Organ Music of African American Composers with Nathaniel Gumbs (2/15): Learn about organ music by African American composers with Yales Director of Chapel Music, Nat Gumbs


New Haven, Painting with Cats (2/21): Join us for Painting with Cats, where you can unleash your creativity while hanging out with our ado


New Haven, Princess Anna Playdate! Meet Greet (3/1): A Magical Playdate with Princess Anna! Get ready for an enchanting experience as Princess Anna


New Haven, Screening of Regenerating Life at \Coastal Resilience in a Changing Climate\ (2/22): We're pleased to share we will be participating in A film festival highlighting the impacts of clima

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Singles Mingle- New Haven (2/14): Get ready for a night of fun, good food, and great company. Join us on Friday, February 14, 2025 at


New Haven, Singles Mixer at WBT (2/27): Mix and Mingle with hot singles in your area! Come on by between 6-8 and maybe get yourself a nice l


New Haven, Stories and Art (3/2): We invite families to join us for folktales, myths, and exciting stories from around the world that


New Haven, Swan Lake (3/1): Swan Lake is a ballet masterpiece that tells the story of a prince who falls in love with a beautiful swan princess under a spell.


New Haven, The Inspector (3/7 - 3/29): An entire town is plunged into terror as it frantically hides its grift and incompetence from the prying eyes of an undercover inspector.


New Haven, The Moody Blues John Lodge - Performs Days of Future Passed (2/22): Celebrate 58 years of \"Days of Future Passed\" when John Lodge takes the stage with special guest J

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Valentines Day Dance Event ALISAS HOUSE OF SALSA (2/14): Join us on Valentine's Day Friday, February 14th 5pm-6:30pm for Salsa lessons, complimentary Chocola

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Valentines Day Dinner Dance (2/14): Timmy Maia will be getting us all on the dance floor this Valentines Day! Reserve your seats today!

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Valentines Day Weekend (2/14): Indulge in a romantic evening at BLDG. In addition to our usual dinner menu, we will feature Chef's


New Haven, Weekly Communist Strategy Meeting (2/28): Join us as we confront the important issues of our day and discuss how communists and revolutionarie


New Haven, Whats in the Whitney Library Program: Black Panthers in Print (2/22): Join us for an exploration of the revolutionary spirit and grassroots activism that shaped New Haven

Happening now or soon

New Haven, Yale Opera presents Iolanta (2/15): Yale Opera presents a new production of Tchaikovskys romantic fairy tale Iolanta. Metropolitan Opera


New Haven, Yale Philharmonia: Stefano Boccacci, conductor (2/21): Yale Philharmonia A performance in the Schools intimate Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Ha


New London, 2025 Breezeline Winter Cinema Series: Dune Part II (3/1): Following the fall of House Atreides, exiled Duke Paul Atreides continues his journey of enlightenment in the barren deserts of Arrakis. Soon, the noble son embraces the ways of the blue-eyed Fremen w


New London, 2025 Breezeline Winter Cinema Series: Flow (3/2): A wondrous journey, through realms natural and mystical, Flow follows a courageous cat after his home is devastated by a great flood.


New London, Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra: A Call for Peace (2/22): The ECSO’s February concert, a call for peace in Eastern Europe, will begin with a world premiere by Polina Nazaykinskaya, a graduate of Moscow’s Tchaikovsky Conservatory College and the Yale School o

Happening now or soon

New London, Northern Lights: Inuit Prints & Drawings, 1950-1990 (2/8 - 5/4): Northern Lights: Inuit Prints & Drawings, 1950-1990 presents the work of indigenous Canadian artists of the 1950s – 1970s, a transformative time in the development of Inuit artmaking traditions.

Happening now or soon

Norwich, 90s Hip Hop Night (2/14): 90s Hip Hop Night at Strange Brew Pub in Norwich, CT on Friday 02.14.25! We’re going back to the 1990s & revisiting all your favorite Hip Hop and RnB!


Norwich, Storytime at Slater (3/7): Slater Memorial Museum is excited to partner with Otis Library for our very own storytime hosted at the museum on the first Friday of every month!


Old Lyme, Their Kindred Earth: Photographs by William Earle Williams (2/22 - 1/22): Land holds history. Some histories are better known than others, preserved by those who valued particular stories and wanted them remembered. What do we know about the land we live on?


Old Saybrook, Oscar Night Party at the Kate (3/2): Join us for all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood as you walk the red carpet, pose for photos, and watch the 97th Academy Awards live on the Kate’s big screen.


Plainville, Benefit Holistic Expo (2/16 - 3/16): Holistic Benefit EXPO VFW Hall in Plainville March 16, 2025 Sunday 12pm- 4pm VFW Hall 7 Northwest Dr. (Off RT 10 on Farmington town line) Plainville, CT 06062

Happening now or soon

Ridgefield, Martha Diamond: Deep Time (11/17 - 5/18): Martha Diamond is among the most perceptive painters of the last five decades. Her work’s formal concision and painterly bravado reflect an inner dialogue with generations of abstract artists.

Happening now or soon

Ridgefield, Moko Fukuyama : Since 2019, Fukuyama has created a body of large-scale sculptures that utilize salvaged tree matter as its primary material.


Sandy Hook, Bon Jovi Tribute Show (3/2): 1 Wild Night Bon Jovi Tribute is proud to play Aquila's Nest Vineyards for the first time, Sunday, March 2 at 4:00 pm in Sandy Hook, CT.


Sandy Hook, Comedy Night at Aquilas Nest Vineyard (3/1): Join us for Comedy Night at Aquila's Nest Vineyard. The show will take place indoors. Capacity is limited. COME EARLY to get your seats and enjoy some wine and food before the show.


Shelton, National Margarita Day at White Hills Distillery (2/22): Hey Tequila Lovers (and other fine spirits) UrbanTaqo will be servin' up some delicious food at Whit

Happening now or soon

South Windsor, Fred Astaire Valentines Dance Party (2/14): Fred Astaire Valentine's Dance Party Event by Fred Astaire South Windsor


Southbury, VSG 1st Thursdays Poetry/Acoustic Open Mic (3/7): Renowned poets and local talents alike will find a platform for their prose, spoken word, and acoustic performances creating a vibrant atmosphere of creative expression.


Southington, O’Shenanigans 5K (3/1): Swag includes St. Paddy’s themed knit beanie. Participants 21+ (with ID) also enjoy an ice cold craft beer from Kinsmen Brewing and everyone re-fuels with fresh hot pizza from Sauced at Kinsmen.


Stamford, Allie Colleen (2/28): Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 10:00 AM


Stamford, Ballroom Dance at Saint Cecilias Church Hall (2/22): Come join us for our Ballroom Dance Social on Saturday February 22nd from 7:00pm to 10:30pm at St Ce


Stamford, Best Love Spells (404) 678-4553 in Stamford,ct (2/19): Best Love Spells (404) 678-4553 in Stamford,ct


Stamford, Bevs Bites (2/21): An SMNC Signature Event: An epicurean adventure like no other! The biggest and most anticipated B

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Billy & The Showmen (2/14): BillySale Dates and Times:Public Onsale : Wed, 18 Dec 2024 at 10:00 AM Event by Stamford Center for the Arts - The Palace Theatre


Stamford, Birthday\/ Gotcha Day Pawty (2/27): Its birthday and gotcha day celebration time! Today, were celebrating all the pups with birthdays t

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Chili Cook-Off Returns, Feb. 15th! Get your passports Jan. 31 @ The Winter Carnival office. (2/15): It's back! The one-day Chili event of the year, where you decide who has the best chili in town!The


Stamford, Exhibition Opening Reception: \Jeremiah Chechik: Explorer\ (3/6): Jeremiah Chechik, artist, film director and photographer, is obsessed with the porous boundary betwe

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Feb 16: Stamford, CT: Teachers Gone Bad (2/16): A comedy show where former teachers discuss embarrassing and school-related topics, as well as famil


Stamford, First County Bank Maple Sugar Fest Sundays (3/2): We’re celebrating Maple Sugaring Season at the Stamford Museum & Nature Center with three Sundays of family festival fun this winter!


Stamford, Foundation Friday (2/28): We are Makin Bacon for the Foundation! Bring your pup in for daycare and treat them to two strips

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Manny Papeleta (2/15): Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Fri, 3 Jan 2025 at 10:00 AM


Stamford, Music of Memory and Reconciliation (2/22 - 2/23): This program grapples with generational legacies: how we deal with the past, come to terms with the present, and look to our future.

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Mystic Pizza (1/31 - 2/15): Based on the beloved 1988 MGM romantic comedy that launched the career of Julia Roberts, Mystic Pizza is a new musical about three working-class girls who navigate the complexities of life, love and f


Stamford, NOT MY PROBLEM at Half Full Brewery, Third Place! (2/21): The best Rock, Pop, Dance, Disco, Funk and New Wave music you forgot you love!

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Path to Glory - The Hungers of Krektch Vilehand (2/15): The Vermindoom has come to Baoth's Fall. Blight City has erupted through the fabric of the Mortal


Stamford, Shen Yun (3/7 - 3/9): The moment the curtain opens, you enter a wondrous dream. Shen Yun takes you on an extraordinary journey through China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture.


Stamford, Sip Paint (2/22): Hello Everyone, I am super excited to announce - another great event has been confirmed to be hosted

Happening now or soon

Stamford, Visit to the Ohel (2/16): VISIT TO THE OHEL SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 AY 9:30AM Join us on for a very special visit to the Ohel.


Torrington, Girls Night: The Musical (2/22): The ‘Girls’ have been thrilling audiences and earning raves from critics throughout North America since it began touring after its sensational Off-Broadway debut.

Happening now or soon

Vernon Rockville, Line Dance - Valentines Day Edition (2/14): Valentine's Day - Dinner DanceFriday, February 14thSingle - Line Dance LessonCouples - Partner Dance Lesson

Happening now or soon

Wallingford, Two Super Saturdays in Wallingford (1/11 - 2/22): Terrace on the Green at Wheeler Family Traditions Golf Club 37 Harrison Road Wallingford, CT 06492

Happening now or soon

Waterbury, Five Guys Named Moe: In Concert (2/15): Join us as we celebrate Black History Month with a night of unforgettable rhythm and blues at \"Five


Waterbury, Modern Women: Georgia O’Keeffe & Kay Sage (2/23 - 6/8): For the first time, Modern Women: Georgia O’Keeffe and Kay Sage places the work of these two pioneering female artists in conversation with each other.

Happening now or soon

Waterbury, The Adventures of TOM SAWYER (2/15 - 2/23): On the banks of the Mississippi, one young boy is stirring up a bunch of trouble in town!


Waterbury, The Cher Show (2/28 - 3/1): For six straight decades, only one unstoppable force has flat-out dominated popular culture — breaking down barriers, pushing boundaries and letting nothing and no one stand in her way.


West Hartford, 2025 CT Beer Tour for a Cancer-Free Future at New Park Brewing (2/27): Raise Your Glass for a Cause at New Park Brewing! Join us for an unforgettable evening at New Pa

Happening now or soon

West Hartford, 2025 CT Beer Tour for a Cancer-Free Future at WeHa Brewing Roasting Co. (2/14): Raise Your Glass for a Cause at WeHa Brewing Roasting Co.! Join us for an unforgettable evening

Happening now or soon

West Hartford, Hearts & Wine: Valentines Gourmet Dinner (2/15): Join us for a festive and delicious buffet dinner prepared by Holy Family’s talented chef, Joe Ethier


West Haven, West Haven CT Mastering Motherhood Spring Session (2/18): A New Year To Invest In A New You, Mama! THIS is what you have been waiting for! PLEASE REGISTER AT


Westbrook, A Tribute to Neil Diamond performed by Forever Diamond (3/1): Come and Enjoy a Tribute to Neil Diamond performed by Forever Diamond.


Westport, Rick Reyes & Santos de Palo at Voices Cafe! (3/1): Voices Cafe is thrilled to present the dynamic, creative force of Rick Reyes & Santos de Palo on Saturday March 1st at 8pm. This concert promises to be a unique, expansive musical exploration.


Wethersfield, WHS announces Publication of an Important Database (2/20): Wethersfield Historical Society announces the publication of "Free and Enslaved People of Color 1634 - 1848"

Happening now or soon

Willington, Grammy Nominee Guy Davis: Blues & Americana Concert (2/15): Guy Davis is a two-time, back-to-back Grammy nominee for Best Traditional Blues, a musician, actor, author, and songwriter.

Happening now or soon

Windsor Locks, Connect and Create with your Partner on Valentines Day (2/14): A unique 3-hour event designed to help you and your partner connect, limited to just six couples!

Happening now or soon

Woodbury, Stiletto - Billy Joel Tribute at the Woodbury Brewing Company (2/14): Stiletto - Billy Joel Tribute returns to the Woodbury Brewing Company on Friday, February 14th at 8:00PM.

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