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$19 for 18k White Gold and Swarovski Crystal Heart Pendant Necklace - Including Shipping! ($39 Value)

Slide Shows

Valentines Day funnies to put a smile on your face

Look-Alike Kids

These Photographers will do whatever it takes to get the shot they want

A Collection of Creative and Funny Yard Signs

These people have some funny photos with their favorite Celebs!

These people have names that match are perfect for their jobs!

New Years Resolutions

The Funniest Christmas design fails on the web

Fifty Amazing Animal Facts You need to Know

Funniest Food Fails, cooking can be tougher than it looks

Creative Acts or Artwork We Love

Time for some Thanksgiving Fun

Health facts that you probably think are true but are actually wrong

Habits of Happy People that will Improve Your Life

Pictures That You Won’t Believe Are Real

Lost in Translation

The Problem with Public Transportation is the Public Part

Breaking News, People continue to do funny things

Some of the things you would see if you were a bird

Did you know how much pets really love UPS drivers? Turns out it's the highlight of their day!

Babies, endearing, adorable, lovable, sweet, darling babies to brighten your day

America a Century Ago we have come a long way

If you like Mind Bending Photos ...

Adorable Ways Pets were included in Wedding Photos

What the hell is going on at the gym

Happy Father's Day

These Pregnancy Announcements will put a smile on you today!

Happy Mothers Day from our friends in the Wild Kingdom

Funniest Bathroom Signs Ever

Rare Hybrid Animals that Really Exist

These Cats May be Conspiring to Take Over the World or Maybe they are just Really Cute

These people have the 4th of July Spirit!

Restaurants are opening and they still have a sense of humor

How many of these Awesome Experiences have you had? Most people have done less than 10 of these!

How many of these 80's Celebrities do you remember?

Creative Mailboxes From Across Our Greate Country

Take a quick trip around the Worlds Most Colorful Places

Hilarious Moments In Mannequin History

Weird Roadside Attractions across America

Perfectly Timed Photos You Need To See

Our favorite celebrities with their younger selves

Adorable Animal Pics from Our Readers

Here are some of the Craziest Things We've Seen On The Road

You have to wonder what they were fails

Vandalism Yes. Funny? Also Yes.

Funny Signs Trending on the old web this week

People who forgot to check the backround

On the web this week just to make you laugh

If you have to go to the Office to Work it might as well be fun

Must see Pinup Girls and Cars

Extreme Female Contortionists

News Flash: The Coronavirus is under control, sort of

You'll love these perfectly timed photos

Funny Playground Design Fails

Glorious Photographs of Celebrities Wearing No Makeup

Around the World Today

Amazing Celebrity Homes, that will Blow You Away

The Troubled Children of Big Time Celebs

Here are some great tips for Brides

You'll never guess how these Celebrity Couples first met and fell in love

Here are some Vintage Ads that companies would rather you not see

Creative Street People Signs

This weeks funny trending signs on the big old web

Plastic Surgery can really be a bad idea

These people just don't care anymore

Trending Bumper Stickers

Mother Nature is a busy woman!

Crazy fun photos from Disney Parks

Amazing 3D Sidewalk Chalk Art

Vacations, the Good, the Bad and the Hysterical

You will love these funny vacation photos

Did you know these celebs where related?

This weeks funniest animal pics to brighten your day

Celebrity Friendly Ex-Couples, Love Lost can still be friendship

Capitol Breached Americans Unhappy with Politicians

Weight Loss and Transformations: Before and After Pictures

New Years Eve Biggest Celebrations

This Years Funniest Holiday Pics

The World Continues to be a Weird Place

Yes, the Elevator Camera is always watching you

How many of these strange animals have you seen?

Your Favorite Actresses Then and Now

Amazing Large Scale Building Art

These are your all time favorites on Dancing with the Stars

Who says school isn't fun?

You had one job, best of

Amazing Female Cosplay Costumes

We are so Confused by these Hilarious Poorly Designed Signs

Hilarious Boating Fails

One Word Photos

You will love these creative pet costumes we can't believe Halloween is already here!

The Most Famous Celebrity From Your State

Another Crazy Day at the Beach

When the People in the Background Completely Stole the Show

Celebrity Kids Who Became Models

Funny Names That Are Immature But Hilarious

Barbie really knows how to look sharp

Sarcasm and Funny Quotes

Some days you should just stay in bed, just ask these people

Who lets these people drive on the road with the rest of us?


So you say you could use a good laugh about now?

Crazy Photos that you won't believe are real

How about some witty tee shirts to make you smile today?

Silly Protest Signs that will make you smile today

All of these people are allowed to vote, and their vote counts just as much as yours

Who is feeding these pets, wow you won't believe some of these

More fun with Signs this week

The Internet loves to give Karen a hard time

Seeing pictures of happy people increases your happiness and lower your blood pressure, try it for yourself!

Well people continue to have a sense of humor

Wonderful Thoughts for a Happier Life from Buddha

Funny Baby Announcements during Quarantine

Ingenious Bus Advertising

Restaurants are Opening and We Are Ready to Get Out and Eat

Sometimes it's tough being a dog

Creative problem solving day

These Amazing People Risked Their Own Lives to Save Animals and to show us all that there are lots of good people in this world of ours!

These Funny Animal pics will brighten your day, we promise

Funny Sign Burnouts

In case you were wondering what exactly a Sh*tload is, well here you go

We got a kick out of these Things and Mini-Things

These people take moving to a whole new level

Celebrity Prom Photos

Nostalgia Series, Pop Stars Then and Now, who do you think changed the most

Take a quick tour of these incredible Abandoned Mansions

Tough week so we thought these pictures would put a smile on your face, enjoy!

Real questions that people from other countries ask about Americans

Why We Love Texas

Here is some fun bathroom graffiti some of these are genius

Group Photos from Mother Nature

Heart warming photos that will restore your faith in humanity

You'll be surprised at just how big some of these things are!

The News isn't all bad, sometimes it's Amazingly Funny

These people and animals are having the Best Day Ever, enjoy!

Yup, it's time for some Funny Signs

These altered photos are really amazing

Immature? Yes, Funny, also Yes...

We asked one hundred people with OCD what pictures made them feel good

Sometimes Karma just finds you!

Golden Globes Awards Best to Worst dressed and everything in between

Ok, time to take a quick break and smile, you'll love reading through these!

The funniest games on the web this week

Fun time with Holiday Greeting Cards, Creative, Funny and sometimes Strange

We asked 100 men what personality trait they liked most about the women they love

You'll be surprised to see who has their very own private jet, flying with the public is such a drag

Some of the worst Parking Jobs we have ever seen

These pictures are all optical illusions

You Need to know these 10 Great Tips to Increase your Home's Value!

If you one of these signs, you are in the South

Surprising Stars Who Got Their Start on Reality TV

Hysterical Knock Off Products, or why we need Tariffs

How about some good old fashion trucker humour?

What happens in Vegas is always hilarious...

These knock off products are hysterical

These people have a great sense of humor and they want to make you smile today

Most Viewed Photos on the Web

Trending Pics on the Web this week

This is National Revenge Parking Month, Yay!

The Genius of Street Art people is incredibly inspiring, take a moment to enjoy this form of Art

Funniest shop names around the world

Today we celebrate the Rule Breakers and the Risk Takers

Americas Favorite Comic Cons

Worst Wedding Dresses

Words Recently Rejected From The English Dictionary

Hottest NFL Hunks

Some of the worst room designs you will ever see

Beautiful Beaches that you need to plan on visiting from Cape Cod to Brazil

People who are suddenly having a bad day

Adorable Animals that fit in the palm of your hand

People who should have spell checked their tattoo

These are the funniest Breakup Notes on the web

These are the greatest Hospital signs, made us laugh...

Check out these before and now photos of our favorite stars!

These photos show how your subconscious mind is constantly looking for patterns

Some of the funniest things going on at the Beach!

You will be saddened at the number of School Shootings already this year, we were

Most popular pics on the web this week to brighten your mood

Why we love going to the gym, it's not the workout, it's the people

These amazing photos were taken a just the right time

Posing with Statues

These photos will make you smile when you see what is happening in the background

Old people just make you laugh sometimes

Spring is Finally here sort of...

We think you'll get a kick out of these Unbelievable Shadows

If you have had a tough week, these signs will put a smile on your face!

Nothing like a good Photobomb to make you smile!

It's time for Fashion Fails

Mother Nature is such a show off...

American Tourists in Asia get a bit of a culture shock

Amazing Transformations

Funny and Creative Billboards

Things You Should Know About Married Life

Doctors prove that laughter is the best medicine

Funny Quotes guaranteed to make you laugh

Funniest car and truck ads

Hilarious Windshield Notes You Just Have To See

Fun pics for your Thanksgiving Holiday

These Adopted Dogs will put a smile on your face all day!

Kids love pets and pets love kids

You will love these cool photoshop creations

You won't believe these Epic Design Fails

Funniest Bumper Stickers

Hilarious Road Signs that Made Us Laugh

These Protest Signs will Make you Laugh Out Loud, we did...

Here are the most Amazing Sand Sculptures on our little planet!

These are the funniest boat names you will ever see!

Best of the Web Translation Fails, You Will Love These

We love these Sculptures that Defy Gravity

We have some Roadside Wisdom for you this week!

These photos will trick your mind, you'll get a real kick out it, we promise!

Feel physically better in just 3 minutes with this Happiness Slide Show it really works!

Classic Celebrity Mug Shots, some of these really surprised us!

Take a quick break with us to see some of the most wonderful places on earth

These Perfectly Timed Photos will brighten your day today

If you think your job is hard, take a look at these jobs!

You will love these creative and funny store signs

Parenting is not for everyone, especially these moms and dads

Yes we dressed this way and Yes we thought we were cool

These baby animal pics will brighten your day

Kids love dogs and dogs love kids, made you smile!

See how Happy Dogs are After You Adopt Them

These Amazing Transformations will leave you smiling

Amazing Historic Photos Restored in Color

You will love these Amazing Winter Pics

You think you had a bad Contractor, these are hilarious

Take a look at how really cool your grandparents were

Amazing Before and After Makeovers

Funny Supermarket Fails

Here are some of the great people who sent help to Houston after Hurricane Harvey, it's nice to know how many people will help you in a crisis

Here are a bunch of great Puppy photos to brighten your day!


Incredible Photos Of Animals With Rare Markings

Incredible places around the world, these are wicked cool, bet you haven't heard that one in a while!

Happy Mothers Day, we think you will enjoy these pics, thank you for being our Mom

Who is turning 40 years old in 2017

A Sneak Peek into the Coolest Celebrity Living Rooms

Celebs dating Athletes

Celebrity Engagement Rings, Let's see some Bling!

Take a Sneak Peak inside of this celebs 13 million dollar Tribeca home

Bitter Hollywood Divorce Battles

Celeb Moms who left Hollywood after having Kids

Must See Videos: Charles Oakley Gets into a Fight at the Knicks Game

Celebrity Breakups

Unexpected Celebrity Romances

Worst Prom Dresses

Celebrity Obituaries

Some Mothers Day Fun

Banned on Facebook

Editor's Choice Events for Minnesota

Winona, Frozen River Film Festival (2/9 - 2/16): The Frozen River Film Festival offers programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world.


Minneapolis, Montgomery/Riley/Taneyev (2/16): Montgomery: Musings for 2 violins (2023)Riley: Good Medicine String Quartet no. 10Taneyev: String Qu


Viking Motorcycle Bags : Our desire was to create something that was just as beautiful as it was useful. Thus began the journey of a thousand miles. One pile of carefully chosen leather and one extensively thought-out saddleb


Calling all Brides, Free Bridal Show Calendar, Bridal Giveaways, Wedding Expos, Upcoming Bridal Show : Don't miss out, sign up for alerts and Bridal Shows and Bridal Giveaways, somebody is going to win!


Boston, Upcoming Gem and Jewelry Shows Near Me : Gem and Jewelry Show master list is here!

sponsored links

Today's Catch: $15 for our Swarovski Crystal Disco Ball Round Pendant Necklace - Including Shipping! ($34 Value)

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Valentines Day funnies to put a smile on your face


Blaine, Lets Get Linked with Poppy & Violet - with Rusty Bumblebee (2/22): Join us for an exciting Poppy and Violet Permanent Jewelry Event and experience the magic of custom, high-quality jewelry that’s made to last!


Bloomington, Breakthrough T1D Walk Hype Party! (2/22): Join us for our 2025 Breakthrough T1D Walk Hype Party at the Mall of America!


Bloomington, Kick It At Nick (2/22): Join us as we Kick It At Nick on Saturday, Feb 22nd, 2025.


Bloomington, Muddcat Melby @ Cowboy Jacks Bloomington (2/15): We're back breaking hearts and taking names at Cowboy Jacks Bloomington!


Breckenridge, Triple Fest at Breezy Point Resort! (2/21 - 2/22): Triple Fest snowmobile drag racing is coming to Breezy PointResort on Saturday, February 24, 2024!


Brooklyn Center, 2025 Homeward Bound Chili Cookoff (2/21): Get ready to bring the heat and make a difference!


Brooklyn Park, P.R.E.S.S- Active Shooter Defense Level 2: - Brooklyn Park, MN 8:30AM- 4:30PM (2/15): Sign up Here: Our PRESS Level 2 training co


Burnsville, EGAs Parents Night Out (2/15): CLICK ON 'GET TICKETS' TO SIGN UP TODAY! Losing Your Sanity?! Let us help! Enjoy a much deserved


Burnsville, Saturday Jam (2/22): What is Saturday Jam? It's where we invite families with children aged 2-6 to join us for a morning


Burnsville, Saturday Night NASTAR Open Race - February 15 (2/15): Unlimited Timed Runs from 7-8:30 pm.Course will be set at 6:30 for inspection.Results will be posted


Burnsville, Watercolor Painting (2/21): Step by step instructions and discussion on the difference between dry brush work, wet on wet, and wet on dry are included as we work together.


Cambridge, Cambridge Winter Fest (2/22): The annual Cambridge Winter Fest has FREE dog sledding and horse drawn carriage rides, cocoa, craft vendors, and more!

Happening now or soon

Chanhassen, A BILLY JOEL STATE OF MIND (2/16): There are some artists that can legitimately be called “hit machines.” Billy Joel, without question, has earned that moniker and has held onto it for nearly 5 decades.


Chanhassen, ELVIS IN CONCERT PRESENTED BY ANTHONY SHORE & HIS ALL STAR BAND (2/22): Step into the world of Rock ’n’ Roll royalty as Anthony Shore’s Elvis tribute show brings Elvis Presley’s legendary performances to life.


Chanhassen, LET THE MUSIC PLAY – THE MUSIC OF BARRY WHITE (2/23): Experience the timeless music of Barry White like never before with Johnnie Brown’s “Let The Music Play,” a heartfelt tribute to the legendary artist. Johnnie Brown, a Mississippi native, has been cap

Happening now or soon

Chaska, Spring Flower Show (2/1 - 3/16): Embark on a botanical journey through the seasons at the Arboretum's Spring Flower Show.


Circle Pines, Senior Night: Centennial Girls Basketball vs Elk River (2/21): Senior Night! Let’s celebrate these girls in their final regular season home game!

Happening now or soon

Detroit Lakes, Polar Fest Detroit Lakes (2/7 - 2/22): Polar Fest packs more than two weeks with activities to celebrate winter in Detroit Lakes!


Duluth, La Mer: The Sea (3/1): Celebrate the virtuosity of musical performance, with this tour de force of a concert. First, we revel in the breathtaking virtuosity of Chopin’s famous Piano Concerto No.1.

Happening now or soon

Eagan, The Minnesota Ice Festival (1/10 - 2/16): Get ready for an unforgettable winter experience as The 2025 Minnesota Ice Festival will open to the public at Viking Lakes in Eagan on January 10, 2025, and will run through February 16, 2025.

Happening now or soon

Eagan, The Minnesota Ice Festival (1/10 - 2/16): Get ready for an unforgettable winter experience as The 2025 Minnesota Ice Festival will open to the public at Viking Lakes in Eagan on January 10, 2025, and will run through February 16, 2025.

Happening now or soon

Ely, Ely Winter Festival (2/2 - 2/16): Join us for the Ely Winter Festival, a spectacular 10-day celebration that captures the essence of winter in the Northwoods.


Fairmont, Laverne & Lucy (2/22): LAVERNE and LUCY bring side-splitting comedy, lively music and laugh-out-loud improvisation to their audiences.


Faribault, Comedian Tommy Ryman (2/28): Tommy Ryman, a semifinalist on NBC's Last Comic Standing, is an acclaimed comedian. His oddly-adorable stand-up landed him No. 1 on iTunes comedy charts for his album Party Troll.

Happening now or soon

Faribault, Paradise Community Theatre Presents: Around the World in 80 Days (2/14 - 2/23): Around The World in 80 Days races its way around the globe, taking in continents, intrigue, love and even an elephant--all in the name of a bet.

Happening now or soon

Hopkins, Dont Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! The Musical! (1/24 - 2/23): Based on the book Don’t Let Pigeon Drive The Bus! by Mo Willems; Published by Hyperion Books for Children; Script by Mo Willems and Mr. Warburton; Lyrics by Mo Willems; Music by Deborah Wicks La Puma;

Happening now or soon

Little Falls, I.C.E. Fest - Sunny Zwilling Ice Carousel Memorial Extravaganza (2/15 - 2/16): Mark your calendars for February 15th & 16th and get ready for a FREE family-friendly weekend of outdoor fun, all while raising funds for hungry kids!


Minneapolis, 2025 Reiser Relief Music Concert (2/15): Reiser Relief is hosting a winter concert at the Brookhall Event Center on February 15, 2025! Doors


Minneapolis, A Brunch of Drag: All Ages! (3/2): Mornings can be such a drag so if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! This fully packed 90-minute show, fe

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, A Generous Outlook: Gifts from Fay Gallus and Richard Sweet (11/23 - 4/13): Collectors Fay Gallus and Richard Sweet recently gave Mia an exceptional group of photographs: works by Eugene Atget, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, and other celebrated photographers of the 19th-21st centurie

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, A Thousand Nesting Dolls (10/5 - 3/9): The exhibition showcases TMORA’s unique collection of nesting dolls, the largest in this country. The display includes some of the earliest dolls ever created and traces the development of the craft t


Minneapolis, AKC Obedience and Rally Trials - Regional Qualifier (2/21): Join us for a weekend of Obedience and Rally Competition! This 3-day trial is a regional qualifier f


Minneapolis, Anastasia (2/21): Bunce Performing Arts presents Anastasia: The Musical at Leopold's Mississippi Gardens in Brooklyn Park, February 21-March 2, 2025.

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, At the Moulin Rouge (10/12 - 3/9): Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec captured the nightclubs and cabarets of Montmartre in the 1880s and ’90s, setting to canvas and paper their glittering lights and dazzling entertainments.


Minneapolis, Barrel Aged Week (2/20): Our annual barrel aged week. Join us as we tap 20+ different barrel aged beers! Daily specials and e


Minneapolis, Barrel Aged Week (2/20): Our annual barrel aged week. Join us as we tap 20+ different barrel aged beers! Daily specials and e


Minneapolis, Candlelight Trail & Community Night (2/15): Enjoy the warmth of community on a winter evening at the refuge! Take a walk on our candle lit lumin

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Catch of the Day: Humans and Marine Animals in Japan (10/12 - 5/25): Living on an archipelago, surrounded by water on all sides, the Japanese have always had a close relationship with the sea.


Minneapolis, chaos theory - UDT Spring Concert (2/28 - 3/2): Choreography, like chaos, is a science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable.


Minneapolis, Concert Corey Stevens - Reiser Relief Haiti (2/15): Help us build the Father Bernard Reiser Memorial School, together we can make a difference and build

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Dancing With The Stars Live! 2025 Tour (2/14): See the glitz, glam, and breathtaking performances of America’s favorite dance show with this all-new show starring your favorite pros: Emma Slater, Alan Bersten, Brandon Armstrong, Britt Stewart, Dan


Minneapolis, Downtown Chill: Winter Fun in The Commons (2/22): Saturday, February 22 | 1-5 PM The Commons Park (425 Portland Avenue South) Its winter, but wh


Minneapolis, ECFE: Play Learn (2/13): FREE drop-in classes for parents\/caregivers and their children ages 0-5 years offered by Early Chil


Minneapolis, February 15 - The Bloomington Eagles (2/15): We return to the Bloomington Eagles on Saturday, February 15. This is our first of many appearance h


Minneapolis, Fetching Ball Gala (2/22): Save the Date for the 2025 Fetching Ball Gala, celebrating Can Do Canines at Radisson Blu Mall of America on Saturday, February 22, 2025.


Minneapolis, Food Shelf (2/14): Come to the Center for Changing Lives (2400 Park Ave S) for our food shelf. 9:00am - 11:00am on the


Minneapolis, Friday Night meeting! (3/1): Fellowship starts 6pm meeting starts 7pm


Minneapolis, Grass Seeds Academy (2/28): Join us for the 20th anniversary of Grass Seeds Academy!


Minneapolis, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II in Concert with the Minnesota Orchestra (2/20): In the epic finale to the Harry Potter Film Concert Series the battle between good and evil forces o


Minneapolis, Kevin Hart: 3rd SHOW ADDED - LIVE at The Armory (2/23): Kevin Hart: Acting My Age - LIVE at The Armory Friday February 21st, Saturday February 22nd, and


Minneapolis, Laughing Matter (3/1 - 7/20): Laughing Matter explores art within the Weisman’s collection that actively creates responses that signal humor—laughs, groans, and the in-between.


Minneapolis, Legacy of Light (2/21 - 3/16): Two female scientists, living hundreds of years apart, explore the meaning of love, motherhood, family, art and science.


Minneapolis, Lenten Strations of the Cross (3/1): Traditionally, the three pillars of Lenten practice are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These are h


Minneapolis, Mason Jennings (2/21): Minneapolis songwriter Mason Jennings- link opens in new tab. shares his new video for the single, “Only Lovers Welcome” from his brand-new album. Now, Underneath the Roses is out now via Loosegroove


Minneapolis, Midwinter Folk Fest (3/1 - 3/2): Midwinter Folk Fest returns this March, offering a vibrant two-day celebration of Scandinavian folk music with performances, workshops, and demonstrations at the American Swedish Institute and Cedar C


Minneapolis, Minneapolis Makers Market Bar Hop (2/15): Community. Art. A Good time. Join us in the North East neighborhood arts district to shop local make

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Montgomery/Riley/Taneyev (2/16): Montgomery: Musings for 2 violins (2023)Riley: Good Medicine String Quartet no. 10Taneyev: String Qu


Minneapolis, MPLS Downtown Next Generation Monthly Meeting (2/19): Join Us for Our Monthly Membership Meeting! When: The third Wednesday of every month, 6:30 PM


Minneapolis, Opinionation Trivia Night at HeadFlyer Brewing (2/13): Win this popular opinion game by guessing the most common responses to survey questions posted to a

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Otto Dix: The War Portfolio (11/16 - 8/31): Otto Dix (1891–1969) served in the German army during World War I. For three years, he led a machine-gun unit and experienced the horror of trench warfare firsthand.


Minneapolis, Record Night at Fulton Taproom! (3/6): Stop by the taproom on the first Thursday of every month with your favorite vinyl - on theme - to sh


Minneapolis, Resist Oligarchy! Join the Dead Feminists Society of Minnesota! (2/16): The Dead Feminists Society of Minnesota is organized to resist oligarchy and support constitutional

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Roshan Ganu: ???????: Night Blooming Jasmine (11/23 - 2/23): In this exhibition, Roshan Ganu uses immersive videos and paintings to explore the mythology and contemporary celebration around this ritual and her own fascination with the night.


Minneapolis, Shane Gillis Live (2/22): Shane Gillis Live is coming to Target Center on February 22, 2025. Get tickets before they're gone.


Minneapolis, Shane Gillis Live Tickets Minneapolis MN Target Center (2/22): Don't miss the Shane Gillis comedy show at the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN on Saturday, Februar


Minneapolis, Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction (2/22): We are very excited for our first Spaghetti dinner Fundraiser and silent auction! Tickets are on sal


Minneapolis, Stolen Focus (2/15): An immersive play in the wildness of tech demands. Be Prepared. Maran Talzen has lost it. She


Minneapolis, Student Matinee: WITNESS Young People’s Concert: Eyes Still on the Prize (2/21): VocalEssence joins forces with a collective of Twin Cities-based artists—actors, dancers, storytellers, and musicians—presenting songs and stories about pivotal figures and landmark events of the Civi

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Subtronics: Cyclops Armory - LIVE at The Armory! (2/14 - 2/16): Subtronics - Cyclops Armory Friday, Feb 14: Inzo, Truth, Smoakland, MotifvSaturday, Feb 15: Mersiv,


Minneapolis, Subtronics: Cyclops Armory - LIVE at The Armory! (2/14): Subtronics - Cyclops Armory Friday, Feb 14: Inzo, Truth, Smoakland, Motifv Saturday, Feb 15: Mer

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, Taylor Dayne (2/16): Taylor Dayne- link opens in new tab. is an American pop icon, with a career spanning over three decades. In 1987, Taylor’s groundbreaking debut single “Tell It To My Heart” turned her into an overnigh

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, The Cameraman: Silent Film with Live Music Featuring Aaron David Miller, organist (2/16): A classic silent film from 1928, The Cameraman is considered one of slapstick comedian Buster Keaton’s best.


Minneapolis, The Epic Project - Away to Home (2/28 - 3/2): What if war is a force that seeks entry into the physical world? What if peace isn’t the opposite of war, but a state that arrives when the forces of war are overcome?


Minneapolis, The Mystery Café presents - Til Death Do Us Die - Valentines Day Edition (2/14): Dearly Beloved,You are invited to bear witness, as Tara and Duncan tie the noose. Er. . .knot.. . .A

Happening now or soon

Minneapolis, The Ultimate RV Show at The Minneapolis Convention Center (2/13): The Ultimate RV Show is coming back to the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis! Join us fro


Minneapolis, The Ultimate RV Show at The Minneapolis Convention Center (2/13): The Ultimate RV Show is coming back to the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis! Join us fro


Minneapolis, THUY - Wings World Tour (2/26): Doors: 6 PM Show: 7 PM This show is all ages. All support acts are subject to change. For more infor


Minneapolis, Totally Rad Vintage Fest - Minneapolis (2/22): Step into a time warp of style and nostalgia at Totally Rad Vintage Fest! Our totally radical vendor


Minneapolis, Transcendent Clay: The Kondo Family’s Path of Porcelain Innovations (3/1 - 9/7): Spanning almost a century of creativity, “Transcendent Clay” offers a panoramic look at the achievements of the Kondo family of ceramicists based in Kyoto, Japan.


Minneapolis, Trivia with Trivia Mafia (2/13): The best trivia is town every Thursday with Trivia Mafia


Minneapolis, USA Hockey & OMGHA National Try Hockey for Free Event! (2/22): Join USA Hockey & Osseo Maple Grove Hockey Association (OMGHA) for our National Try Hockey for Free


Minneapolis, Valentine’s Day Dinner (2/14): Four Course Dinner MenuFriday February 14 & Saturday February 15: 5pm - 10pm Treat your someone spe


Minneapolis, Valentines Day Date Night Package (2/14): Make your Valentines play. Intimate dining, craft cocktails, mini golf and live music. The perfect d


Minneapolis, Valentines Day Dive Bar Prix Fixe Dinner (2/14): Our Dive Bar Prix Fixe Dinner is back for Valentine's Day 2025! You get three courses for a base


Minneapolis, Valentines Dinner Dance (2/14): As a celebration of marriage, whether you are planning to be married, are married, or were married,


Minneapolis, Valentines Weekend Beverage Pairing (2/14 - 2/15): Bring your Valentine into the Bee for a nice after dinner beverage & dessert pairing on Feb 14 or 15


Minneapolis, Winter Sowing (2/22): Attend winter sowing events! Bring yourself or a group of friends, neighbors, and family to winter s


Minneapolis, Witch - A retelling of a Jacobean drama (2/28): A charming devil arrives in the quiet village of Edmonton to bargain for the souls of its residents in exchange for their darkest wishes.


Minneapolis, WITNESS: Eyes Still on the Prize (2/23): VocalEssence joins forces with a collective of Twin Cities-based artists—actors, dancers, storytellers, and musicians—to present songs and stories centering on pivotal figures and landmark events of t


Ramsey, 26 Pebbles (2/28 - 3/2): On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed 26 innocent souls before taking his own life.


Red Wing, The Flying Karamasov Brothers (2/28): Expect the unexpected with THE FLYING KARAMAZOV BROTHERS, featuring the four self-proclaimed eccentric lunatics spicing things up with laugh-out-loud comedy, wild theatrics, and astonishing juggling f


Rochester, 17th Annual Gloria Dei Auction (2/22): It's happening! Head to\/youth-auction-2025 for full details!


Rochester, A Chair Affair (2/22): Saturday, February 22, 2025 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Hilton Rochester Mayo Clinic After Party hosted

Happening now or soon

Rochester, Aqua Cycle - 12 sessions (2/20): New Aqua Cycle 12 sessions program in 6 weeks. 7:55 am-8:25 am, Tuesdays Thursdays February 6th -

Happening now or soon

Rochester, Aqua Cycle - 12 sessions (2/13): New Aqua Cycle 12 sessions program in 6 weeks. 7:55 am-8:25 am, Tuesdays Thursdays February 6th -


Rochester, Belize Mission Trip - Bermudian Landing (2/15): Join us as we outreach through food distribution, serve in the community, connect with the local sch


Rochester, Belize Mission Trip - Bermudian Landing (2/15): Join us as we outreach through food distribution, serve in the community, connect with the local sch


Rochester, Bible Study Online or In Person (2/21): Join us online or in-person as we read the book of Revelation and explore what it means for us Wedne


Rochester, Blessed Art Group (2/24): Are you an Artist? Are you working on Faith Focused Art? Are you looking for fellow artists to give


Rochester, Cats Can Do Duo @ Novios Caf (2/26): Cats Can Duo is a multi instrumental variety group. Bringing songs from a hundred years ago into th


Rochester, Community Food Response Volunteering (2/26): Must sign up in advance https:\/\/\/how-you-can-help\/


Rochester, Community Night: Rochester Caledonian Pipe Band (2/20): Join us for a FUN-draiser in support of the Rochester Caledonian Pipe Band. Learn how to get involve


Rochester, DFB @ Rochester Eagles Club - 2-5 pm (2/22): DFB will be at the Rochester Eagles Club on Saturday, February 22nd from 2-5 pm. More details to co


Rochester, Games and Wine (2/22): Come spend a fun afternoon with us, where board games and wine are the perfect pairing! Bring your f


Rochester, Girl Scout Cookies Flight Release @ LTS Brewing (2/21): Yes, you read that that tastes like cookies!!! Head out to the taproom February 21st to

Happening now or soon

Rochester, Goonies Open Mic (2/15): Goonie's Comedy Club presents our ever popular free Open Mic night. See new comedians to established


Rochester, Lenten Dinner (2/21): Join us for dinner before heading to Waters Edge on Wednesday nights during Lent! Well be having buf


Rochester, Little Luxuries Barrel-Aged Bottle Release (2/21): Experience the bliss of this 100 barrel-aged blended stout, delicately conditioned on house-toasted


Rochester, Mainstream Music DJ and KARAOKE Charlies Eatery and Pub Rochester, MN (2/21): Cure the Midweek blues each Wednesday Night at this Hometown Bar and Restaurant! Karaoke Singing, da


Rochester, Monthly Century Booster Club Meeting (2/17): Join the Century community with the Century Booster Club. The September Meeting is Monday, Septembe

Happening now or soon

Rochester, Monthly Mass @ St. James Coffee (2/13): Join us for our monthly celebration of Holy Mass.


Rochester, Par-Tee with the Chairs (2/22): Par-Tee with the Chairs: Golf and Chair-Themed Party DATE TIME Saturday, February 22, 2025 Doo


Rochester, Port Style Wine and Chocolate Tasting (2/13): This weekend enjoy a flight of three Salem Glen Port-Style wines. Each flight is accompanied by loca


Rochester, Puzzle Night (2/17): Come out for competitive puzzling at LTS Brewing on Monday, February 17th!


Rochester, Puzzle Night at the Chateau (2/19): Calling all puzzle lovers! All are welcome at Puzzle Night at the Historic Chateau Theatre. Meet

Happening now or soon

Rochester, Puzzle Night at the Chateau (2/19): Calling all puzzle lovers! All are welcome at Puzzle Night at the Historic Chateau Theatre. Meet

Happening now or soon

Rochester, Sat Feb 15- THE LAST MINUTE HEROES return to Northstar Bar! (2/15): THE LAST MINUTE HEROES are back to North Star bar for Valentine's weekend!


Rochester, TEEN Karaoke and Pizza Night (2/22): Do you have Teenagers that loves to sing, or just listen to music?? Join us for Teen Karaoke Night!


Rochester, The Chubs (2/22): The Chubs LIVE at The North Star Bar!


Rochester, Wednesday Community Meals (2/21): Each Wednesday we will be providing an opportunity to get to know our neighbors by hosting a meal an


Roseville, Featured Artist: Anjana Parua (2/15): Anjana Parua is a self-taught local artist. She has been painting from past couple of years. She mos


Saint Cloud, Collector Mania - Toys, Games, Cards & Collectibles Show (2/22): Join us for our 2nd annual Collector Mania Sale - TOYS, ACTION FIGURES, VIDEO GAMES, COMICS, RECORDS

Happening now or soon

Saint Cloud, Girls Night Out - A Tribute to Superstar Women of Country (2/14): This show has all the great female country singers wrapped into one fantastic night.

Happening now or soon

Saint Cloud, Girls Night Out @ Pioneer Place on 5th (2/14): Erica Hanson and Raven Wolfe trade leads and lend rich harmonies to the mix as they take the listener on a journey through 6 decades of country music.

Happening now or soon

Saint Cloud, Heart Health Awareness Night (2/14): Heart Health Awareness Night! Red Norsemen Shirt give away night.

Happening now or soon

Saint Cloud, Kat Blue @ Iron Street Distillery! (2/15): We are excited to be back at Iron Street! Hope we see you there!


Saint Cloud, Marko Topchii, guitar (3/1): Marko Topchii, a renowned classical guitarist born into a musical family in Ukraine in 1991, has garnered widespread acclaim for his exceptional talent and numerous competition victories.


Saint Paul, 2024 History Day Workshops and Mentoring (3/2): TURNING POINTS IN HISTORY The 2024 National History Day theme asks your students to think about h


Saint Paul, 92nd Annual St. Paul Mens International Bonspiel (2/27): The 92nd edition of the states most historic mens Bonspiel.


Saint Paul, Anniversary Celebration (2/21): Come join us in celebrating our first year!We will have an assortment of appetizers provided by Sawa


Saint Paul, Artist Job and Resource Fair (2/27): Springboard for the Arts and Ramsey County Workforce Solutions are hosting a free Artist Job and Res


Saint Paul, Billee Jo Hall Acoustic Live at The Pillbox Tavern! (2/23): We love the Pillbox! Come on out for a Sunday- Funday!!! Come in and warm up on this Sunday Funday


Saint Paul, Black To The Future at 825 Arts (2/21): Step into a world of innovation and creativity at Black to the Future, inspired by the groundbreakin

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, Circles of Care (11/23 - 4/5): CarryOn Homes, an international group of artists Zoe Cinel, Peng Wu, and Shun Yong, is dedicated to telling the stories of immigrants and refugees in the USA through art.

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, City Views (12/14 - 6/8): In the final years of the 1400s, printed representations of European cities began to appear more frequently.


Saint Paul, Cory Michaelis in St. Paul! (2/21): Friday, Feb. 21 and Saturday, Feb. 22. Tickets: https:\/\/\/events\/105938


Saint Paul, Dog Adoption Event @ Pet Evolution St.Paul! (2/22): Meet Greet Adoption Event at Pet Evolution St. Paul! Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025 Ti


Saint Paul, Essential Etiquette for Couples (2/22): A delicious and informative class at the St Paul Hotel


Saint Paul, Fine Motor Friday (3/1): Join us in our Kaleidoscope Learning space to have your little one(s) engage in fun fine motor activ


Saint Paul, Friday Fun Night (Drop in babysitting) (2/21): Games, crafts, activities, snacks, friends, and fun! There are activities for all sorts of energy le


Saint Paul, Group Tickets: Minnesota Wild vs Detroit Red Wings (2/25): Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Tue, 31 Dec 2024 at 10:00 AM


Saint Paul, Heal the Healers Convening (2/27): Youre invited to our Heal the Healers Convening, Feb. 27 March 1! This pivotal, three-day event wil

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, HiSo Singing Competition (2/16): HiSo Singing Competition registration is now open for everyone! We look forward to seeing our future


Saint Paul, KXLLSWXTCH and SXMPRA (2/23): Kxllswxtch and SXMPRAAmsterdamFebruary 23, 2025All Ages show 6:00 PM Doors7:00 PM Showtime On sale


Saint Paul, Lenten Fish Fry! (3/1): It's time again for our annual Lenten Fish Frys! The cost for a meal is $15 for adults, $8 for a


Saint Paul, MINNEAPOLIS SALSA BACHATA BASH _ PINK PARTY (2/22): PINK PARTY Dress up in PINK!! This event is perfect for salsa AND bachata lovers of all le


Saint Paul, Minnesota Frost v Toronto Sceptres (2/23): Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Fri, 1 Nov 2024 at 12:00 PM PWHL Half Pack Member Pr

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, MN Vixen Weird Ink Society Tattoo Flash Event! (2/14): Join us this Valentines Day for a special tattoo flash event to support the MN Vixen Womens Football

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, Mosaic Festival: Dance and Music of World Cultures (2/16): Experience cultural customs from nations across the globe: music, dance, language, foods, traditional clothing, and arts and crafts.

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, Open House (2/14): Stop by and visit our school! It's our first year in this building and we're eager to show you our


Saint Paul, Organ Donation Advocacy Day at the Minnesota State Capitol (2/24): Join us for Organ Donation Advocacy Day at the Minnesota State Capitol! This exciting day provides t


Saint Paul, Rally to Fund Our Future! (2/18): We need all hands on deck and lots of AFSCME GREEN! Please register using the link below. In Min


Saint Paul, Rebels West Coast Swing Classes in February! (2/16): Beat the winter blahs - take West Coast Swing Classes in February! This is an exciting month for

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, Red Cross Blood Drive (2/15): Save lives by donating blood. Sponsored by the Holy Spirit Men's Club, our February blood drive will


Saint Paul, Resistance: Storytelling Through Cloth - FRONDO: Hmong and Black Cultures of Frogtown & Rondo (2/22): FREE & RSVP: ABOUT:Neuveausoul Production presents FRONDO, coll


Saint Paul, Sarah Adams at Urban Growler Brewing Company (2/21): Urban Growler Brewing Company is excited to announce Sarah Adams will be performing LIVE in the Barr


Saint Paul, Seasonal 90 Minutes Spa Pedicures (2/23): Hey Ladies! I am doing my seasonal 90 Minutes Spa Pedicures on Sundays Only starting December 2024-E


Saint Paul, St Paul Friday Evening Meeting (2/21): Come join us at Cherokee Park United Church for our St Paul Friday Evening meeting! The meeting i

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, St. Anthony Park Luminary (2/14): Friday Night Lovers Lane, February 14th The pathway will be lit around dusk providing the perfect V


Saint Paul, St. Paul Skyway Food Tour (3/2): Explore the best of St Paul food in the heart of downtown with our popular walking tour! Youll learn


Saint Paul, Stamp Event in St Paul (2/22): Join us for a day of stamping fun! Use the code Holiday2 to receive $2 off each stamper registration


Saint Paul, Sustain Saint Paul February Happy Hour (2/24): Save the date, time, and location for a Sustain Saint Paul Happy Hour! 6-8pm, Lake Monster Brewin

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, The Dinner Detective St Paul - February 15th Public Performance (2/15): The Dinner Detective invites YOU to join us for a night full of mystery and mayhem with lots of laug


Saint Paul, THE MIX - A PARTY WITH A PURPOSE (3/1): Get ready for an unforgettable night filled with excitement, generosity, and community spirit as we come together to raise funds for Custom One Charities!

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, The Power of No: A Self-Care Soirée (2/16): Say YES to yourself and NO to guilt. This isn't just another self-care event-it's your time to recl

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra: Four Spirits with Abel Selaocoe (2/14 - 2/15): Abel Selaocoe’sexpansive imagination knows no bounds — the SPCO’s newest Artistic Partnerembraces singing, dancing, composition and improvisation equally in joyful andpowerful music-making.


Saint Paul, The Wild Moon Bhaktas - An evening of chanting, kirtan and spiritual music (2/22): An evening of chanting, kirtan, and spiritual music with the Wild Moon Bhaktas $15 cash at the do

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, Thursday Karaoke in St Paul (2/15): Plan your performance with our online songbook at


Saint Paul, Urban Agriculture Conference (2/22): Engage with local and state leaders and fellow urban farmers about issues facing urban agricultu

Happening now or soon

Saint Paul, Valentines Day Fairy Gardens! (2/14): Join Silly Miss Tilly for a Valentine's Day fairy garden adventure! Your entry fee covers all the ma


Saint Paul, Wednesday Evening Lenten Dinner Forums (2/21): February 21-March 20 Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent as we explore the purpose and meanin


Saint Paul, Winter Beer Dabbler 2025 (2/22): Get ready for Minnesota’s biggest and best winter beer festival—Winter Beer Dabbler 2025!


Saint Paul, Women of the North: Power Play (2/25): THE MOST UNCONVENTIONAL WOMENS BUSINESS EVENT OF 2025 February 25, 2025 | 4:006:30 PM | St. Paul Ri


Shakopee, Minnesota Home Show (2/22): It's Scott County's #1 Home Show and It's One Day Only!


Shakopee, Shakopee Home Show Spring 2025 (2/22): Are you planning a home, lawn, or garden project? The Shakopee Home Show is the PERFECT place to get started!


Stacy, Frosty Mug Crawl (2/22): Join us for the annual Frosty Mug Crawl. Attendees will make their way down West End Boulevard with their parks and recreation passport good for free and discounted beverages valid at various West End


Stacy, Rock from the Heart presents the SPIN DOCTORS _ Concert for Aortic Disease Awareness (2/22): Rock from the Heart presents Spin Doctors- link opens in new tab. with Aortic Fire- link opens in new tab. - A Concert for Aortic Disease Awareness at Palace Theatre on February 22, 2025


Stacy, The Arts Partnership Presents: “Fire Shut Up in My Bones” with the Turtle Island Quartet (2/23): Based on the 2014 memoir byCharles M. Blow, with music by Terence Blanchard and libretto by Kasi Lemmons


Stacy, The Beat Goes On Starring Lisa McClowry as CHER (2/21): On October 22, 2023 at the Grande Ole Opry in Nashville Tennessee, singer/producer/star of THE BEAT GOES ON

Happening now or soon

Stacy, The Root Beer Lady (1/25 - 2/23): The Root Beer Lady tells the story of the indomitable Dorothy Molter, the last legal non-indigenous resident of the Boundary Waters.


Stacy, Winter Beer Dabbler (2/22): We’re beyond excited to welcome you all back to the Mighty Midway to sample great beer from breweries all over the United States


Stacy, Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota’s Big Bang (2/23): Rock out for a cause with an all-star cast of musicians including Ted Manderfeld, Jennifer Lamb-Randolph, Tommy Vee, and Bennett Vee as they take the stage with the Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota


Wabasha, 18th Annual Northwoods Hotdish Luncheon and Buffalo Plaid Craft Fair (2/22): Join the Wabasha United Church of Christ (UCC) for their 18th Annual Northwoods Hotdish Luncheon & Craft Fair with from 11am-2pm.


Wabasha, 32nd Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival (2/21 - 2/23): Since 1993, the Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival is held the last weekend of each February in Wabasha!


Wabasha, 32nd Annual Grumpy Old Men Ice Fishing Tournament sponsored by Minnesota Ag Group (2/22): Channel your inner grumpy old man during the 2025 32nd Annual Grumpy Old Men Ice Fishing Tournament by Minnesota Ag Group, Inc.!Registration: 8:00am – 9:30am


Wabasha, Beer Belly Sports Podcast LIVE at the Grumpy Old Men Winter Festival! (2/22): LIVE Podcast Event at the Grumpy Old Men Winter Festival! Join the crew from Beer Belly Sports – the Semi-Pro of Sports Talk – as they bring their hilarious, no-holds-barred sports banter to the 32nd


Wabasha, Busch Light Curling Tournament at the Grumpy Old Men Winter Festival (2/22): Busch Light Curling is teaming up with the Wabasha-Kellogg Chamber of Commerce & CVB & the Grumpy Old Men Festival once again for their second annual:Busch Light Curling Tournament!!!

Happening now or soon

Wabasha, Eagle Viewing Field Trip (1/11 - 4/12): What’s better than seeing an eagle up close? Experiencing it in its natural habitat. Our eagle field trips provide you with the unique opportunity to see both Bald and Golden Eagles soar across the sk

Happening now or soon

Wabasha, Eagle Viewing Field Trip (1/11 - 4/12): What’s better than seeing an eagle up close? Experiencing it in its natural habitat. Our eagle field trips provide you with the unique opportunity to see both Bald and Golden Eagles soar across the sk


Wabasha, Plaid Out Your Ride Lighted ATV/UTV Parade! (2/21): Deck out your ride and join us on our 3rd annual lighted ATV/UTV parade! (all vehicles welcome!)


Wabasha, Polka Dance Party at the Grumpy Old Men Winter Festival (2/22): Polka Dance Party at the Grumpy Old Men Winter Festival!Step back in time and relive the days when Polka was King in Minnesota!


Waite Park, Steel Magnolias (2/28 - 3/16): Set in a tight-knit community in a small Louisiana town, Truvy’s salon is the go-to place for a beauty fix with a hearty side of gossip.

Happening now or soon

White Bear Lake, Courtney Burton with Court’s in Session: Love in Every Note: Songs from the Swing Era (2/14 - 2/15): Indulge in the timeless allure of classic love songs this Valentine’s Day weekend from the Great American Songbook!

Happening now or soon

Winona, Frozen River Film Festival (2/9 - 2/16): The Frozen River Film Festival offers programs that engage, educate and activate viewers to become involved in the world.

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